we are far behind Europe in one respect


There are many problems in Lithuania. According to the president’s adviser, Lithuania is far behind in vaccinating older people. “We noticed that among the older population, aged 80 and over, only 36 percent of them were vaccinated in Lithuania. In this sense, we are far behind other countries in the European Union. We are only 18 years old. other words, we are vaccinating faster than more accurately, “he told reporters.

Vaccination and weekends

Speaking about the management of the pandemic in Lithuania, S. Krėpšta did not hide that the current epidemiological situation is cause for concern. But they are hoping for the vaccine. “It just came to our notice then. On the other hand, we are seeing an increase in the prevalence of mutations, human mobility. And that certainly accelerates the infection.

On the other hand, we see that immunization and vaccination are very effective. Practices in other countries where a significantly higher proportion of people have been immunized show that vaccines are very effective. They greatly reduce the risk of hospitalization, the prevalence of asymptomatic forms. And immunity develops after the first dose of the vaccine.

Therefore, the need to accelerate vaccination was emphasized.

According to S.Krėpšta, Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys, who participated in the meeting, confirmed that from now on the vaccination against COVID-19 will also take place on weekends. President Gitanas Nausėda also supports this idea.

Hospital security and the question of open borders

The president’s adviser also noted that hospitals have become much safer places to get infected with coronavirus.

“Infections in hospitals are very rare. The Kaunas experience shows that comparing the fight with December, 70 times fewer infections were detected among doctors. This shows that vaccines are very effective, “emphasized S. Krrššta.

Aušra Motiejūnienė, Director of Management of VUL Clinics Santara, member of the Council of Health Experts, was also satisfied with the results of the immunization of the staff. According to her, more than 90 percent vaccinated. Medical staff. However, some professionals continue to investigate regularly. “There are isolated cases in which the disease is detected in workers, thus avoiding outbreaks,” he said.

A. Motiejūnienė also said that in Vilnius county, where the “British” variant of the virus is widespread, an increase in the number of beds occupied for a week has been observed. “It’s not too big, but compared to the couple’s previous weeks, it’s bigger.

Today we have about 70 percent. the resuscitation beds were occupied, which was only 55 percent a couple of weeks ago. We have more complicated cases or patients. We also had to increase the number of intensive care beds, to date we have around 80 percent ”, said the Director of Management of the VUL Santara Clinic.

According to her, between 25 and 30 new patients are admitted to the hospital every day. A. Motiejūnienė stated that a new wave of patients is already being prepared, according to which medical institutions, if necessary, will expand the COVID-19 for patients.

When asked if the issue of border closure is not being discussed due to the spread of mutations, S. Krėpšta emphasized that these actions will be coordinated with foreign countries.

“The president supports the line that European states should consult as much as possible before taking action on border control. And the European Council will talk about how to find common solutions, common consensus. This would make them much easier if our business and our people will need it, ”said the president’s adviser.

Vaccination of the elderly is stagnant

He also drew attention to the vaccination of elderly people in Lithuania.

We note that among the older population, 80 years and older, only 36% of them were vaccinated in Lithuania. In this sense, we are far behind other countries in the European Union. We are only 18 years old. In other words, we vaccinate faster than with greater precision. In this case, we need to strengthen contact with the elderly population. Probably not everyone is explicitly invited to get vaccinated.

It is a struggle with time. The sooner we vaccinate the elderly, the sooner we will have a lower mortality.

In the last day, 855 new cases of COVID-19 were identified in the country, 12 people died from this infectious disease, the Department of Statistics reported on Tuesday.

On the last day, 6,910 molecular tests (PCR) and 1,159 of antigens to the presumed coronavirus were carried out in the country.

The rate of new illnesses in the last 14 days is 100,000. the population reaches 260.2 cases. The proportion of positive diagnostic tests in the past seven days is 6.8 percent.

A total of 3501 people died in Lithuania from COVID-19. 7082 deaths have been linked to this infectious disease, directly and indirectly.

The first dose of COVID-19 was administered to 6,099 people last day and the second dose to 1280 people. A total of 281 thousand people were vaccinated with the first dose in the country. 871 people, in both doses – 126 thousand. 143 people.
