Watching a sad performance at the border offers a way out for migrants not to choose Lithuanian


The Foreign Minister hardly understands what measures of Belarus can be used against Lithuania, what are the threats, what are the consequences of those actions. The Home Office only played an observer role from start to finish. He calmly observed what the MFA was doing, he was not ready for a possible crisis.

We have a border with a hostile state, with a dictatorial regime. NATO status, EU status Lithuania and poorly protected external border. Therefore, it is now possible to assess the level of politicians and ministers that we have in Lithuania, who work through the institutions. How did you turn out to be completely unprepared for the immigration crisis? And when it comes, you are unable to control it?

The Ministry of National Defense (Ministerio de Defensa Nacional) has started to build a chain-link fence in its style. Because the real will wait, quick fixes are needed. Understandable. It turns out that KAM only has a couple of kilometers of wire, that construction was a spectacle in front of the cameras. Estonia will lend or donate 100 km.

Let’s divide 2, maybe even 2.5 percent. to the military, if there will be 3 percent. maybe the cable is enough. The army is ready, if Estonia helps, it will send help; will support you if you are not fully prepared. Of course, border protection may not be the job of the military, you may not have a chain-link fence.

Still, that chain link fence is definitely not the solution, it’s just a small action. The Minister of the Interior, together with the Conservative Party, and other colleagues from other ministries know how to do small actions when big ones are needed.

What is a wall? A wall is not a heat or motion sensor, it is not a low-wage border guard, it is not an old column, it is not a children’s fence, not even a chain link fence.

The wall is a real, tall barrier that is impossible to climb normally. Special wall. Unfortunately they don’t build it, but maybe they will in 1 year. If there are 100 migrants a day, math is definitely not on our side.

If Russia or Belarus still decide when to conquer Lithuania and we lack fuel for military equipment, do not forget to announce public procurement, to make optimal use of budget funds. We will save the euro. The wall is a really complicated building.

What decisions does this government make? Border guards, men and women, dogs and other helpers simply help organize the transfer of illegal immigrants to temporary detention centers.

The number of migrants is growing, as is the number of centers. It will last 6 months, no more. It will work in winter. At the moment, something is decided if he is a refugee or not, although it is so clear. What will change? Any. It will not receive status, but Iraq and others will not accept it either.

What is the solution? It will keep for 6 months and then it will be shipped to Germany. An ordinary person, not a specialist, would ask: so why do you consider them if they don’t need Lithuania? Why invest in infrastructure you don’t need?

This is an attempt to show the world that we are fighting. Human. Municipalities, towns, villages and even individual farms are involved in the fight. A general fight, although no one listened. You didn’t fight when you needed to build a wall. Because the whole of Lithuania is responsible for the mistakes of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Collective responsibility. If someone has contributed to the military, they cannot lobby alone. Everybody will. Residents of cities, towns and districts are now causing a sensation.

At present, Lithuania has to accept illegal immigrants, new areas and areas are being sought. In Iraq and in the world of tens, hundreds of millions of people, this place will definitely need a lot. The decision can be different: register everyone, certified by COVID, serve a summons to appear for the asylum decision and release in all four directions. Why hold them, stop them?

We are loading the system madly. At that time, the army, border guards, police and everyone with hands and feet, please build a border. Volunteers, ordinary people, are likely to come and help. Now capacities are assigned to the transport, handling and storage of migrants. At that point, the border issue was forgotten.

Another solution is to build a border with Poland. Install poles, control movement there. 100 km of border section, maybe not so complicated? Especially since the new frontier may be closed due to the threat of a virus. Register migrants and release them immediately, then protect the border with Poland. Even in violation of free movement agreements, as far as possible.

At that time, it is building a border with Belarus. When a normal and real high wall arises, we can talk about control. Now they are not.

And write on the wall in all possible languages ​​where the official border crossing is and where Germany is. Often there will be a movement towards the Polish border, towards the German side. Less frequently, towards an official border crossing, to seek asylum.

Because even for a fool, it is clear that it is much more convenient for an economic migrant to travel to Germany through Poland. They are shipped here especially because even if we catch them, Poland will return them to us.

So, in the long run, we need a better border than Poland has with Belarus or Latvia with Russia. That migrants do not choose our borders, but other borders, other paths. Now our path, our border, the best, the most convenient. Perhaps in a propaganda sense, they were told, shown.

Those who cannot prepare for crises or those who cannot handle during crises simply have to withdraw. Smart leaders must take their seats.

Meanwhile, the friends of the state and the enemies of the state will see together how the sad performance continues as the strong fight against economic migrants. Hold on as long as possible until they cause a disturbance. When he escapes, he will catch him. Trapped, it will return. We will go to the end, in principle. If there will be 5,000 or 10,000, or more. Do not fear, we will endure. We will force others to resist. Because we have some kind of goal. To suffer a little more before Lukashenko leaves. It’s not clear, but you have to put up with it.

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