Warns employers: for such quarantine violations – a fine of up to 6 thousand. euros


It is true that Jurgita Kažukauskaitė-Sarnickienė, communication advisor of the State Labor Inspectorate (VDI), assures that there are such complaints, but there are not many and each case is different.

“The State Labor Inspectorate receives calls with questions about these types of situations, but there are not many. Employees ask how they should behave. Each case is individual, so the recommendations and solutions in similar situations may be different at first glance, ”he said.

Fines: up to 6 thousand. euros

When asked what the fine can be for people who may abuse the current situation and do not comply with quarantine rules, a representative of the SLI said that company managers could receive 6 thousand. EUR fines.

“Violations of the quarantine requirements are sanctioned with a fine of five hundred to fifteen hundred euros for natural persons, for administrators of legal persons or other responsible persons – from one thousand five hundred to six thousand euros.” Violations are recorded and the police and the National Center for Public Health can impose fines, ”explained J. Kažukauskaitė-Sarnickienė.

Inspections can be carried out

The interlocutor adds that now, under quarantine conditions and in compliance with security requirements, VDI specialists perform some of the inspections remotely, but certain exceptions may apply.

“Although, after the quarantine, investigations into SLI complaints and reports on labor law and occupational health and safety violations were carried out remotely without leaving the operator, avoiding direct contact, there are cases where that SLI labor inspectors conduct unscheduled inspections in accordance with all safety requirements.

Furthermore, the Labor Inspectorate is always ready to cooperate with other institutions or carry out inspections on compliance with the provisions of the Government Resolution on the announced quarantine, ”noted J. Kažukauskaitė-Sarnickienė.

VDI reminds both the employees and the managers of the company that in accordance with the current Government Resolution on Quarantine in Institutions, Organizations, State and Municipal Companies and the Private Sector of the State and Municipalities, the work is organized and the clients are served remotely, except when relevant functions are required in the workplace. , ensuring the conditions for the management of the flow of people, observance of the safety distance, necessary public health safety, hygiene, provision of people with the necessary personal protective equipment established by the Emergency Operations Manual at the state level.
