Warn the “brave”: an impressive self on the ice of the Neris may end in a fine or a swim in the icy water


The pressing cold froze not only Lithuanian lakes and smaller bodies of water, but also rivers. Here in Vilnius, the Neris freezes very rarely, but this year the river was covered in ice.

Lifeguards have no shortage of work

And with him, the motley footprints of the people who walk away are varied. Walking on ice, taking photos and uploading such a person to social networks has become a real fad. Many people seem to have believed that the ice of the Neris is the same that forms on lakes in the cold winter.

Rescue firefighters, however, uneasily warn that river ice is not what forms on lakes. And there is no shortage of disasters in the water this winter.

This winter, firefighters rescued 64 rescues underwater, in water and on ice. 6 drowned people were rescued, 13 drowned people were taken out.

According to Edita Zdanevičienė, chief specialist of the Communication Division of the Fire Protection and Rescue Department, this winter, that is, in December of last year and in January and February of this year, firefighters carried out underwater rescue work , in water and on ice 64 times.

They managed to save 6 drowned people, including a child. Firefighters removed 13 drowned people from the bodies of water.

Compared to the same period last year, firefighters did twice as much rescue work underwater, in water and on ice this winter.

VIDEO: Firefighters demonstrated how to behave safely on ice and survive fractures

The illusion of safe ice

The Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service (LHMT) also warns about dangers in the ice, urging on its Facebook not to risk your lives, not to climb the ice of the river and not to allow your children to do so.

“In Lithuania, the lakes are covered with ice, it is safe almost everywhere, but the rivers are already in a completely different language. Although the Neris near Vilnius seems to be frozen safely, it is not allowed to climb on those rivers. No there are dangerous currents in the lakes under ice and the water continues to flow in rivers under ice. The flow is uneven and in some parts of the river the water can melt or dilute the ice. This is very uneven in thickness, structure and still top it is covered in snow. This is just the illusion of safe ice.

The ice is very uneven in thickness, structure and the top is still covered in snow. This is just an ice illusion for sure.

Ice in rivers is never safe. It can be dangerous to climb even in small streams, but there the risk of a fatal error is low (due to the shallow depth). Yes, nothing can happen when walking on ice, but if you step into a thinner section of ice, you can easily get into the icy water and the currents can carry under the thicker ice. In such a situation, nobody will take you out and you won’t break the ice with your hands, ”says LHMT.

Luke April / Photo of 15min / Frozen Neris

Luke April / Photo of 15min / Frozen Neris

Meteo.lt The page does not provide data on the thickness of the ice in Neris near Vilnius, but in Jonava, Lithuania’s second largest river, the rivers float. And the water temperature in Neris in Vilnius is zero.

Imposes fines

The Vilnius city municipality, in turn, has taken other ways to get people off the ice: it imposes fines.

“Vilnius residents, winter pleasures are pleasures when they can be enjoyed safely and without jeopardizing their own health or the health of those around them. The eyes of the Akyla Township have noticed that these days you like to walk on Neris ice cream, and maybe even take a selfie.

However, we would like to remind you that because of such a unique shot, it is best not to risk your life and that of your loved ones, and there is a penalty. On Tuesday alone, 12 careless people received a special “Ice Walker” award. It is true that for the first time the fine is more symbolic, only 8 euros, but the people of Vilnius had to understand the message ”, announces the municipality.

We remind you that it is better not to risk your life for the single shot, in addition, a fine awaits you. On Tuesday alone, 12 careless people received a special “Ice Walker” award.

Article 491 of the Code of Administrative Offenses establishes that the violation of the rules of safe conduct in bodies of surface water and in masses of ice in bodies of surface water approved by the City Councils carries a fine of 16 to 60 euros. A repeat offense carries a fine of between 60 and 140 euros.

“I can enter”

PAGD representative Edita Zdanevičienė 15 minutes He explained why river ice is so dangerous: The most important thing to remember is that rivers do not form solid ice and there is a flow of water under it. Then the ice forms unevenly, and the water can melt or thin as it flows.

“If fishermen drill holes in various places in the lake, the thickness of the ice is usually the same. Of course, near the shores, the reeds can vary, but the error is small, unless it is a flowing lake, there the ice is weaker. And even having ice in the river is very rare, it is difficult to predict. This is probably what confuses people the most: they compare that the lakes are already freezing, the ice is strong there, we can walk , fishing and doing something else, and we value the ice-covered river in the same way. This is the main danger, “said E. Zdanevičienė.

In the rivers we can see virgin places, thawed, they are often betrayed by water birds. Solid ice formation is also hampered by broken branches and trees; Each obstacle determines that the ice is not so strong that we can walk without fear.

Luke April / Photo of 15min / Frozen Neris

Luke April / Photo of 15min / Frozen Neris

Many deserted tracks can be seen in Neris in Vilnius. E.Zdanevičienė says that it is safer to walk on those deserted roads, because people walk there, which means that the ice is strong there. If the ice under your feet begins to creak, you should not attack to the side, but go back the same way. The same happens when you see a blow: it would be extremely irresponsible to risk jumping, you must also return, because if the ice has continued to reach that place, it is presumed that it will continue to return.

According to the PAGD representative, before getting on the ice, one must remember the simple thing “I can break”, then the self-defense instinct is activated and we become much more cautious.

Also read: Hydrologist warns of floods: Cathedral squares in Vilnius may not be flooded, but the coast will sink.
