War declared on the noisemakers: fines to be doubled for disturbing the peace


According to the draft amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses (ANC) and the Noise Management Law prepared by Mykolas Majauskas, a member of the faction of the National-Lithuanian Christian Democratic Union of the Seimas, it is proposed to double the fines for infractions of noise pollution. At the same time, the parliamentarian proposes to stipulate that municipalities should publicly consider restricting the economic activities of repeat offenders of noise regulations in public places.

It is recalled that noise is currently considered an administrative offense.

Non-compliance or non-compliance with the Noise Management Law and other regulations governing noise management will result in a fine of between fifty and three hundred euros, and administrative recidivism will result in a fine of between two hundred and eighty and six hundred euros. Failure to comply with the noise prevention regulations in public places approved by municipalities carries a fine of eighty to three hundred euros, an administrative offense committed repeatedly carries a fine of three hundred to six hundred euros.



M. Majauskas, who presented the draft amendments at the Seimas Law and Order Commission session, said: We see very simply that, according to the current legislation, it is enough to pay between 25 and 40 euros for the first time. We can imagine that a cocktail costs approximately that in a nightclub.

According to M. Majauskas, due to such small fines, people can continue to make noise for free and legal entities that violate the rules of noise procedure can continue to operate.

“He was interested in the situation in other countries. In France, for example, fines are up to 1,500 euros with confiscation of equipment. In Great Britain from 5,000 euros, and for repeated violations of legal entities – 20 thousand. Pounds ( 21 thousand 858, 41 euros, – aut. past.).

In fact, several states take these violations seriously enough, both because they have a significant impact on human health and because their detection and identification is time-consuming and expensive. Therefore, dissuasive fines are imposed ”, said M. Majauskas.

The Government also supports the initiative to increase the fines for noisy birds, saying that the responsibilities provided for in article 45 of the ANC “Regulations or decisions of the European Union in the field of public health, hygiene regulations or other should be harmonized. legislation in the field of public health, infectious infections of the Republic of Lithuania “. violation of the Disease Prevention and Control Law ”.

M. Majauskas said that during the preparation of the bill, he consulted with Justice Minister Elgvinas Jankevičius and other parliamentarians, who allegedly agreed that the issue should be considered in principle.

As previously mentioned by M. Majauskas, since 2017. The number of cases related to non-compliance or violation of the Noise Management Law and other laws regulating noise management in Lithuania is constantly increasing. In 2018 there were 131 violations. – 149, during the first nine years of 2019. months – 171 cases. Meanwhile, the number of cases related to violations of noise prevention regulations approved by municipalities in public places has almost doubled (from 28 cases in 2017 to 55 cases in the first nine months of 2019). However, the fines do not seem to deter the noisy criminals from committing more crimes. In addition, due to deficiencies in legal regulations, municipal institutions cannot impose stricter sanctions, thus leaving the possibility for convicts to continue with activities that disturb the gravity of the population.
