Walking barefoot – free foot massage: its benefits and how to do it correctly Life


The treatment of the feet first around 1900. mentioned in writing by the American physician William Fitzgerald. He knew that the natives of Central and North America had, since ancient times, treated various ailments by stimulating the active points of the body on the feet. And who can stimulate them better than walking barefoot on various surfaces, the media said.

Today, doctors, pharmacists and supporters of natural medicine do not skimp on praise for walking barefoot. According to Asta Budreckienė, Gintarinės vaistinė pharmacist, when walking barefoot on different surfaces, the areas of the nervous system of the feet are affected, from where the impulses reach the required organ and activate the entire immune system of the human body.

This natural massage relaxes, eliminates fatigue, irritability, insomnia, improves work capacity, memory and attention and has a positive effect on the whole body.

“Such a natural massage relaxes, eliminates fatigue, irritability, insomnia, improves work capacity, memory and attention and has a positive effect on the whole body, improves blood and lymphatic circulation, makes the joints more flexible. limbs, relaxes tired feet and makes you feel light. becomes soft “, – the pharmacist mentions the advantages of walking barefoot.

Suitable for both grass and mud

A.Budreckienė says that various natural surfaces are suitable for walking barefoot: grass, soft sand, gravel, pebbles, needles, even mud and the like.

“I especially recommend walking barefoot on the sand and pebbles of the sea. Often on the seashore you have to see people walking along the shore with shoes and by that you mean take the opportunity, take it off and give your feet a great massage. After all, our sea has very good climatic conditions: freshness, clean sand, small pebbles tone the venous plexuses of the plants and protect against the tiring swelling of the feet, ”says the pharmacist.

Artificial surfaces are not suitable for walking barefoot: asphalt, concrete pavement, pads and the like. Of course, if we go through such a cover for a short time, nothing will happen, but if we walk barefoot all day, we can do more harm than good, as both foot pain and scabies can occur.

The pharmacist points out that walking barefoot may not be appropriate for some.

123rf.com/ Walking barefoot

123rf.com/ Walking barefoot

“There are conditions in patients where reflexology (foot stimulation) should be avoided because it can cause unwanted side effects. It is not recommended during pregnancy (first trimester), with digestive problems such as diarrhea or vomiting, with local damage to the feet, with fever. According to reflexology, the body system can be overstimulated in such situations and even infections can worsen ”, says the interlocutor.

Even when walking barefoot on the sand or grass on the seashore, you need to know and observe the area: no glazed glass, sharp metal objects, if you walk under fresh cut stubble, be careful with a sharp stick, if you walk On a flowery meadow, remember

Barefoot, on the balcony?

None of us have ever heard the name Sebastian Kneipp. German clergyman S.Kneip 19th century. developed a holistic health improvement model that emphasized the importance of stimulating the foot on different surfaces and temperatures. It is from this point of view that barefoot trails are based, lately more and more places are being installed throughout Lithuania and more and more curious want to try them.

When walking on different surfaces, one can feel different sensations one after another, thus stimulating different points on the feet. The combination of barefoot walking on various irritating surfaces improves blood circulation, provides more energy, and improves mood and work capacity. At the same time, it is a very effective means of hardening the body, which benefits a person of any age, says the pharmacist.

The combination of barefoot walking on various irritating surfaces improves blood circulation, provides more energy, and improves mood and work capacity.

“Walking through the largest stones feels cool and feet are easily stimulated by circling each stone. In the pineapple section, the legs have to adapt to the unevenness, so balance must be developed, and the feet are already more actively stimulated by the touch of the spikes. After this section, it is comforting to walk on the sand, and in the other section you have to go from one wooden roller to another, which massages your feet into the rough crust, and these have to adapt to the convex surface ”, says A .Budreckienė.

Of course, summer is the best time to try walking barefoot, and there are more benefits to living in your own home, having farms, or other opportunities when you want to escape to the garden. According to A.Budreckienė, the solution is also for others.

“It is possible to create a small area for bare feet only on the balcony. When you go to nature, gather small and large stones, pine cones, sand, gravel, spikes, twigs, pour them into separate containers, even empty cardboard boxes, and here is your barefoot personal trail.

Stand on these surfaces regularly at least once a day, press down on them with your feet, and take time to listen to your body. He will definitely thank you, ”says the pharmacist with a smile.
