wakes up tired, suffocates constantly, young people feel “dieduk”


I felt “half alive”

Sports journalist Aurimas Budraitis says that in the first days after discharge from hospital he felt fine, he could travel quite long distances when he went for a walk. But he was soon caught up in unpleasant symptoms.

“I thought, well, here in 3 months everyone is predicting weaknesses, difficulties and the like, and that doesn’t exist for me. In general, my illness was quite different. There was no loss of smell or smell. For me, that disease only spread very quickly to the lungs, liver, etc.

However, when I started to resume my work rhythm, I realized that the fatigue is much greater than it was ”, said the journalist who was recovering from the disease to the news magazine“ Question of the day ”.

He added that there are days when he feels only “semi-alive”, he has to communicate closely with the rehabilitators.

The listener, who called the radio, said he had contracted a coronavirus infection in the first half of last year, but has yet to recover. “I can say that the consequences are quite sad. This winter was tragic: shortness of breath, shortness of breath, almost impossible physical work, getting up in the morning already tired.

I go to the doctors, I do research, but I can’t find anything tangible. I’m still young, I’m not even 50 years old. It is not, and the feeling is like that of a dieduko, ”the man complained.

The disease guessed the riddle

K. Petrikonis explained that one should not be surprised by the residual phenomena of the disease. “Probably all infections, especially viral ones, can leave a certain mark. Over a shorter or longer period of time, you will feel certain symptoms, “said the professor.

He added that the bodies of the patients are facing a completely new and unknown infection. At that time, chronic fatigue or exercise intolerance is one of the most common symptoms.

However, each case is individual, as patients also have their own personal history of previous illnesses, which may depend on how they will be affected by the coronavirus.

“I work as a neurologist and care for extremely complex patients with various nervous diseases. Sometimes it is even hard to believe that patients who have difficulty moving and shortness of breath are good at coping with COVID-19 infection, for whom treatment standard is sufficient.

You can think that the body is already adapted and has some reserves. Their cases can be called successful.

But there is such a group of people who were completely healthy, but they have such symptoms after illness that they even wonder if they are not symptoms of a new illness, ”commented K. Petrikonis.

According to the professor, doctors in such a situation are faced with the need to rule out diseases that a person may have had before becoming infected with COVID-19. In his words, these cases “cause a lot of confusion” to doctors.

A ploy for doctors

Ketrikonis says that a “post-epidemic syndrome” has already been observed in people with coronavirus.

Long-lasting COVID syndrome lasting 1 to 3 months. after the disease is expected to occur at least 20%. people who required hospitalization due to infection. Syndromes over 3 months face at least 10 percent. patients.

For some people, the symptoms of “post-epidemic syndrome” may not go away after 6 months or even a year.

“But looking at the research, you find different numbers. And 50 percent. and 30 percent. It depends on the group of people included in the study. The Lithuanian experience and its figures would also be interesting. This research will probably be carried out and published soon, “said K. Petrikonis.

He recalled that the number of people suffering from postcovidial syndrome will naturally decrease once the pandemic is overcome, and the extension of the population infected with the coronavirus infection will be minimized.

There are about 230 thousand officially sick people in Lithuania. people, so people who feel their residual phenomena, according to the professor, can also become a test for the country’s health system.

“Let’s calculate what percentage of people will have gone to the family doctors, requesting consultations, writing emails”, warned K. Petrikonis.

When to go to the doctor?

Pocovidian syndrome is sometimes crossed so severely that it eventually requires medical attention again. The teacher advises to worry when you feel the condition is getting worse. He recalled that weakening increases the chances of contracting any other disease. And then a “cocktail” of disorders could threaten even more serious complications.

K. Petrikonis also advises seeing a doctor when symptoms start to interfere with daily activities, it becomes difficult to live without the help of others.

“The third reason or sign could be when someone from outside, be it a family member or a stranger, says, ‘You look bad.’ This is another situation in which you should already apply, because people who look from the side tend to be more objective than us, “said the professor.
