Vytautas NAVAITIS: Why I no longer trust the government – Respublika.lt


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Vytautas Navaitis. Photo of Elta

Let’s start with the fact that someone threw the flag at a member of the Seimas so “inaccurately” that it did not hit the member of the Seimas or the policemen who were accompanying him. That “inappropriate” pitcher had to be a suspected anti-vaccine protester. Therefore, at least that protester had to be without a mask, like all the other participants in the rally. As you know, the Seimas building is surrounded by surveillance cameras, and those videos, in search of that flag thrower, must be made public, for example, through the LRT, which reports directly to those responsible. Why haven’t the police so far asked to identify this provocateur who was trying to enrage the rally participants who had not yet disbanded? Why do the police sometimes ask for public help and in this case do not even look for a person who has “assaulted” the life or health of a member of the Seimas?

What came next? Rallies are allowed until 5 pm Well, let’s say after that people still wanted to share their impressions (chat), but why did A. Bilotaitė and the officials not call the distribution of the rally participants, did not remind them of the demands to retreat from the Seimas, did you not notice that force from a distance? Well, if they did not personally dare to leave the Seimas and inform the audience about it, then why did the Minister of the Interior not indicate it and why did the chief of police take no action to ensure public order at 6 pm, 7 pm or 8 pm? p.m. etc. while there was still light? Why didn’t the 75 meters mentioned by the other rallies disappear or take them away when it got dark? Why delay and act only at the darkest time of day?

When it was realized that additional forces were needed to strengthen the protection of the Seimas, riot control officers were summoned. Perhaps the guests did not realize that the reinforcement would not come on foot, but several buses would arrive and “did not see” that the road was blocked to reach them? Why did the buses become so unsafe after their windows were broken and other vehicles were damaged?

As the media loyal to the government explain, it is around 10 at night. A report was received from the Public Security Service guard that riots broke out at the Rūdninkai landfill in Šalčininkai district: migrants were breaking through the fence. Why was it necessary to take the officers guarding the Seimas on those buses right at two in the morning? Who ordered to leave the Seimas without “sufficient” protection? Besides these officers, aren’t there many other officers capable of quelling the riots? “He, as a member of the Seimas, presented amendments to the law so that in emergency situations, when the scale of the event increases rapidly and to avoid a serious threat to society, military units could be used, he did not use them in his garden – The Rūdninkai landfill? “Minister of National Defense A. Ališauskas slept all this, so who, if not him, should ensure order in the military installations, what is his personal responsibility for the riots and escape from the Rūdninkai landfill?

Perhaps some of those who protested against the masks should be commended for “understanding” and obeying the government’s call to put on their mouths and noses, or, more simply, masks to hide their faces., Which was reported to the dolphin filmmaker by one of the officials who guarded the Seimas. Where did your future clairvoyance come from? Furthermore, if they do not report the future crime, as accomplices, they will be prosecuted under article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania – Do not report the crime? no, no more kids – hired troublemakers, they pitch as Jurgelis taught the drill during …

And anyway, the crowd of rallies is very interesting. They came to the rally with firecrackers from very early in the morning, but they did not use them throughout the rally. Why? Didn’t they know that those firecrackers, which had been ripping their pockets since morning, were of little use at the end of the rally? A soldier outside, not a soldier throwing something at the Seimas, would be quickly captured. After all, throwing firecrackers in the light is not worth it, it is much more impressive in the dark. But how did it happen that the “rallies against the masks” carried not only firecrackers but also masks?

The stone must also be thrown towards the participants. Why didn’t they part ways at the end of the rally? Someone was probably holding them. And I was hoping that not all but at least the invited Seunas would come out to talk to them after the meetings. Like, not like, but the elders are their chosen and must serve them. So what stopped people from staying? I think the same thing I hope to speak with my chosen ones. Therefore, there were many waiting and even more curious, photographers, several journalists and people who broadcast directly to their social media accounts, mercenaries ready for rage and their sedatives, and, of course, according to the dolphins, there were criminals from various hairs. involved. A 34-year-old man had a protocol drawn up for a minor violation of public order: he was in conflict with rallies and he looked visually intoxicated. In addition, a 23-year-old was arrested on suspicion of drug possession, he was detained.

Still, it was clear that no one was going to attack and occupy the Seimas, because some 80 rallies (somehow called protesters and rioters) invited by the Seimas members themselves, while already inside the Seimas, acted with enough restraint. Why, even with the consent of those accursed and unloved members of the Seimas and the Government, could no one provoke the protesters to carry out illicit actions within the Seimas itself?

Siege of the Seimas, within the Seimas about 80 people hostile to the Seimas and the Government. This can already be called an “emergency situation”. What did Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė do? Why didn’t you decide to free one of the most important state institutions, the Seimas, without waiting for the darkest moment of the day? What if the Seimas were surrounded by non-Lithuanian citizens? As you mentioned this time, perhaps even then, the Prime Minister will mention the oath “I swear to strengthen the independence of Lithuania, serve the Motherland, democracy and the welfare of the Lithuanian people with all my might.” But no, Ingrida Šimonytė decided to break two oaths, a member of the Seimas and the Prime Minister, with all her might.
