Vytautas Landsbergis. We were released 31 years ago, and today we still need to be guided by another occupation.


Here we have chosen, and no other capital, neither in the East nor in the West, has indicated what and how to vote. We have freed ourselves and today we still need to let ourselves be guided by another occupation whose name is hatred. Where are you, the Fraternity Movement, the state of the brothers? People should care about their state and the state should care about people.

But the state, who is it? These are representatives of the same people in government, in institutions, starting with parliament. “Without the state, we would be a dump,” said Jonas Juraitis, a patriot priest 30 years ago. Then a few months ago, we had just begun to rebuild the state. After all, the state is also a spirit that must be cultivated as soil, created and nurtured despite the better or worse climate. By no means just explode, taking advantage of your country’s recovery. Take advantage! Let’s not forget the name of sin.

We are constantly faced with this concept of user, and this is the biggest problem in Lithuania. By becoming gentlemen users, we do not feel that we are conquering the land of ourselves or our parents. Other conquerors will come soon, not by law from you and your children, but by someone else’s fist, a heavier flame, or a more powerful bomb. Or your stupidity.

The scriptures speak of Esau, the eldest son in the family, who sold his birthright for a bowl of lentil soup. We have heard something similar more than once when the soup of communism or capitalism, the lentil soup, was offered in exchange for Lithuania. Therefore, let us not fall into that margin of the spirit, in which we will feel strange or alienated among the old relatives, not brothers at all, who have run away from themselves, but who sadly want to call themselves new deportees. . Let’s not give in to this pandemic. The one who is scared returns to Lithuania – alright, let’s hug him. Let’s build and improve our country on the foundation of justice and love, leaving scammers and liars in their swamps and hating each other.

The path of Lithuania is a path of light and truth. It is sung like this, but it is not implemented quickly or successfully, and for a short time, the world is dazzled. Adam Mickiewicz wrote some extraordinary words about his homeland, Lithuania, 200 years ago: “Then you only understand what you had when you lost it.” It depends on everyone.

My country. Thinking more like that would be good. No one would steal himself. But is it really yours or does it feel that way? Maybe she is so official? Then you are already a tired passerby. But after all, she is going somewhere. Do you care where it goes, what it aims at, what threatens it? If you don’t mind, don’t bother. And what did she give me? Grandma, if you’re already retired, I need money today. If only so, then maybe you don’t call yourself son and daughter unless it’s some kind of population. This time you will have the same thing that is written in the passport.

Because someone already did that, restored the state of Lithuania on March 11, now everyone gets it and freedom for free. Therefore, you may not appreciate. Or appreciate. It is worth investigating what your mother offers.

He also wants to be a Lithuanian citizen. According to voters, every second. Apparently, he wants to contribute to the work of Lithuania, he wants to create its progress, prosperity, attractiveness and joy that we have Lithuania. Are you really a lot?

I repeat: build, decorate, improve Lithuania. Then you will not have suspicions or questions about whether it is yours. Gink, if it’s yours. There are many tracks, but let’s not lose track, especially in all kinds of uncertainties today and tomorrow. Let’s be Lithuanian children. Lithuanian.
