Vytautas Landsbergis: The bottom line will be when the nuclear war starts


“It just came to our notice then. So far, a bit out of place. A great war has already been fought in Ukraine and that disaster has not yet broken out, it is postponed, it does not seem to have been completely canceled; such a huge force: one hundred thousand soldiers, an army, navies and hospitals, catering, ready for a real war that could have hit all of Europe, or at least half of Europe with us, but there would already be a world war here. For Ukraine, it would be the Great Patriotic War defending itself against Russia.

It is good that the Kremlin has canceled or postponed it for now, but “Russian roulette” has been shown on a global scale, because when there is such a provision, one madman is enough. command department or even mistakes to make things fly so damn like Chernobyl. There were also enough greed errors there and it turned out that the system could not recover. We are hanging by the hair when the Kremlin goes crazy or makes mistakes that will already cause a real European and world catastrophe. Another catastrophe, I wrote an article about it (“The beginning of disasters – in the brain”) – it’s about Astrava, “said Professor V. Landsbergis on the program.

Landsbergis: Belarus gradually surrenders to Russia

The professor was also asked what to expect for Belarus in the future, given rumors that Belarus and Russia could sign a consensus on a united state in the fall.

“What will it be? It will be the same as now. Those agreements have been signed for a long time, only they have not been fully implemented, and gradually Belarus is gradually surrendering to Russia: the border has been surrendered, the army has been surrendered. , security, many things and the economy … What has not been transmitted yet? Everything may be approved, but it depends on the two dictators.

Vytautas Landsbergis

Vytautas Landsbergis

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

As the head of the Kremlin will say, so will the head of Minsk. There are things here that are beyond our control. They depend a bit on global sobriety and understanding of what is happening, but Europe seems not to want to understand; Astravas is a threat not only to the destruction of Lithuania, but also to the EU and Europe, ”said V. Landsbergis.

Teacher: Russia encourages revenge and revenge

Russia has published a list of hostile states. It is said that sanctions will be imposed on those countries that appear on the list. When asked if Lithuania should react to that list in any way, V. Landsbergis assured that, in the first place, the most hostile state is Russia itself.

“It just came to our attention then. There is a kind of supposedly hostile state. First of all, Russia itself is very hostile, not only towards its neighbors, but also towards the country beyond the Atlantic. There is nothing to discuss here, just what action is unfortunately taking our very hostile neighbor, which encourages revenge and revenge.

Perhaps Astravas is also a revenge for the independence of Lithuania. You just have to be prepared. We live near a volcano or a madhouse; it is not known when dark and uncontrollable forces will move from there. And the calculations in that country are just that. There are no calculations, human or inhuman, right or wrong, anything goes or not for them. Maybe it doesn’t pay off yet, or maybe you decide it’s worth it, you can do whatever you want, why all that threat, intimidation has increased so much against Ukraine. One can guess why. It seemed that both the funds and the energy of the preparation were wasted to be an attack. And if there is no attack, what was the benefit?

Perhaps there was an attempt. If there is an attack in a few months, then we have already verified that we can be ready quickly. In the end, all the heavy equipment stayed there, “said V. Landsbergis.

According to him, Russia’s current actions are a kind of desperation or rage, but it is also dangerous.

“Outrage at impotence. Because it is impossible to bring Ukraine back as part of Russia. The outrage is still dangerous, because the Kremlin cannot say “yes, we have reconciled.” It is not under their brains. Their brains don’t go so far as to need to perceive and live in the real world, not the world of utopias. “Their brains may never get remodeled unless the Chinese come in and explain what the world is really like,” Landsberg said.

When asked which states could respond to the intimidation policy, the interlocutor recalled what was left of eastern Ukraine.

Vytautas Landsbergis

Vytautas Landsbergis

© DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

“I always say go ask your mom because mom will never give you bad advice. It must be different from Mrs. Matviyenko or any aggressive woman in the Kremlin; a normal woman, her mother will never yell: “Come on, conquer, break and leave out the ruins.” What he did from eastern Ukraine is a ruin. This is the result of Russian policy, ”says the professor.

Landsberg: you have to learn to live without Russia

When asked if it could be said that relations between Lithuania and Russia are currently at an all-time low since it regained independence, V. Landsbergis assured that Russia appears to be isolating itself from the rest of the world.

“After all, in Lithuania and elsewhere we started talking more precisely about real things. What diplomats are sent here? From Lithuania or other countries. Spies are sent working under the guise of diplomats. Many of them were expelled. By the Czech Republic and expelled by America, other countries, it is the expulsion of spies. And it makes breathing a little easier, just like against a virus. You must understand what it is really about. This is where the war is of the spies ”, says the professor.

“It just came to our notice then. We are going to completely isolate Russia from the normal world. Putin’s government is working successfully to isolate Russia. She, of course, accuses the bad West of wanting to isolate her, but she is doing everything possible. for isolating himself ”, says the teacher.

According to V. Landsbergis, it is necessary to learn to live without Russia.

“If Europe wants freedom and independence, it must learn to live without Russia. Then maybe Russia will wake up with a sober mind. After all, they are not afraid, they can live without us and let us hang in their garbage. Maybe we will change something of anyway, but as long as this is not the case, as long as there are rumors that “without Russia nothing can be done, everything is only with Russia”, then Russia dominates, dictates its will to international organizations “. says V. Landsbergis.

“We need to learn to live without Russia,” added the professor.

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