Vytautas Landsbergis: Society is still quite naive, easily pushed and overthrown


“Very little attention is paid to a very beautiful, brilliant and significant period in the history of Lithuania. It is very instructive and would be an encouragement today for those who have somehow lost their judgment: what is good and what is bad. The move was a good thing and there is nothing to be distracted from. The Sąjūdis gave us the opportunity to restore statehood, independence, go out into the free world, return to the family of free nations, ”V. Landsbergis told Eltai in 1988-1990. Acting Chairman of the Council of the Sąjūdis Seimas.

And the fact that Lithuania has gained independence is not just another event. According to the professor, the results that Lithuania achieved at that time require a very strong sense of worth in society.
For example, according to V. Landsbergis, who liberated Lithuania from the clutches of the Soviet regime more than three decades ago, the prevailing aspirations for statehood and independence in society were much stronger than in Belarus, whose population has been under a strain. brutal pressure growing. by Alexander Lukashenko.

“Lithuania was much more united and more clearly defined as a society that pursues and has its own goal: a million people on the Via Baltica. If a million people left Belarus for freedom, for democracy, life would be different, then the owners would not come to beat the people who want freedom. And now the people who have formal and terrorist power can be enraged, “Landsbergis said.

“Critical mass arises when people have a sense of conviction and courage and know what they stand for. This is missing in Belarus, “he added.

On the other hand, despite the international recognition and achievements that Lithuania, as a country that has won its independence, says the professor, there are still unsolved problems. According to him, Lithuanian society still does not resist rumors and intimidation.

“Lithuania still has unsolved cultural and psychological problems. There is a certain distraction, some rumors are easily eliminated, it is believed in trinkets, intimidation. Society is quite naive, easily pushed and subjugated. This is a bit unfortunate,” said V. Landsbergis.

The professor did not hide that when speaking of these problems of Lithuanian society, he also refers to those who, calling themselves “defenders of the traditional family”, consider that the initiatives of the right in the Seimas on the Law of Association or the Convention of Istanbul are an almost existential threat to the state.

“They speak in abstract formulas that someone has allegedly attacked the family, someone wants to destroy the family in Lithuania. But the institution of the family depends on people’s trust, desire and determination to have a family, to protect it, to appreciate it when problems or temptations arise. And if that is not enough in society, then she herself destroys their families. No one from the outside family comes to demolish. People are simply immature for the family or not raised for the family, “said V. Landsbergis, noting that there is much confusion among the political elite in this regard.

“Some have become populist, looking for fashion to look good that way; they are not very solid politicians. Politicians must have their views and express them when necessary, even when it is not popular, ”Landsbergis said.

June 3 generally referred to as the beginning of Lithuania’s restructuring movement, when in 1988 the Sąjūdis Initiative Group was formed. 1988 June 3 In the summer and autumn of 1988, thousands of Sąjūdis demonstrations were held in Lithuania in the hall of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Vilnius, after the election of the 35-member FTA initiative group, events and events aimed at spreading the ideas of Sąjūdis, ecology, protection of monuments and other relevant issues and in the districts, the FTA initiative groups were established, in the collectives: the Sąjūdis support groups, the Sąjūdis press was launched.

1988 The founding congress of the TLC took place from October 22 to 23, 2006, with the participation of representatives from all over Lithuania, the FTA Seimas, the FTA Seimas Council, the FTA program, the statutes and 30 resolutions were chosen and approved.

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