Vladas VAICEKAUSKAS: Experiment on a state scale – Respublika.lt


Paradox no. 1

The laws of the country are adopted by the Seimas. The Seimas is led by Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, the leader of the Liberal Movement party, who is committing a serious crime: political corruption.

Paradox no. two

In Estonia, as soon as there was a suspicion of corruption at the top of the government, the entire government resigned. The cast shadow undermines citizens’ confidence in the government, degrades the honor and prestige of the state, and morally the government can no longer fulfill its duties.

Prosecutors drew up an indictment against the Lithuanian Liberal Movement party, handed it over to the court, criminal proceedings were initiated and the party accused of corruption, an innocent sheep, receives a solid grant from the Central Election Commission. in the elections, enter the Seimas and form your own faction!

Paradox no. 3

For the third year in a row, the “in power” party nominates its leader Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen as a candidate to lead the Seimas, and he elects the president of the party on trial as its president!


Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, radiant with joy, solemnly swears an elegant hand on the Holy Constitution, approved in referendum, and serves to serve the Fatherland and the Nation honestly. “God help me,” he says, looking up at the sky.

Paradox no. 4

The party leader accused of political corruption and prosecuted, having become President of the Seimas, acquires the right to calmly receive the delegations of foreign parliaments, to celebrate national and European holidays together with the President, to represent Lithuania in meetings , conferences and international congresses. The hardened grandmasters at the World Chess Championship do not restrict or question any moral inconvenience of a corruption case.

Paradox no. 5

Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, who has just become president of the Seimas, beating the largest opposition faction of the Peasants and Greens, elects Andrius Mazuronis, the representative of the smallest faction of the Seimas in the same corruption case, as his second deputy after the late conservative Jurgis Razma.


Ponaitis Andrius Mazuronis became famous for changing parties like pandemic gloves. Ponaitis Andrius amused himself after the “Order and Justice” party, the Labor Party, here he is a “liberal”, a “hybrid” of the Seimas group, again a “worker”. Mrs. Čmilyte-Nielsen, after the parties as Martha’s kitten, bowed and obeyed during the storm, embraced her motherly, and here Andrius’ colleague Vytautas Gapšis, a real worker who did not stay for the parties, she gave herself maternal … to the prosecutors! The leader of the test party sincerely voted for herself and asked the others to vote sincerely for the deprivation of inviolability of V. Gapšis. God-fearing women, for whatever reason, tend to choose to restrict themselves but not to abstain.

Paradox no. 6

Vaclovas Andrulis, mayor of Kelmė district, directly elected by the people, was fined 24,000 by the provincial court. it deprived him of the right to work in public service for five years.

The French Supreme Court accused former President Nikolia Sarkozy of corruption (unscrupulous) in jail …

It could list the states where corrupt people have been hanged, publicly shot or beheaded.


Vilnius Chamber of three Judges, E. Masiulis and Ko. The case is conferred to the courts for a third year. It seems to roll until it rolls.

Look at the defendant: a piece of an old yellowed newspaper remains from the round bean. The detained money has not been returned to him, he is being fed by his family, the food ration has been offered by the Food Bank …


The three-judge panel will not recognize the criminal organization of the Liberal Movement Party that is being tried. Because recognizing it would require the launch of the party itself and the annulment of the 2020 elections. It would be a luxury to hold new elections to the Seimas in a pandemic!


The worst and worst that could happen is that the current government does not win the new elections!


A quietly murdered corruption case would help prevent the collapse of the liberal government and international scandal.


Therefore, in a pandemic situation, the case for the part of the trial is likely to be postponed. As the pandemic will continue year after year, so will the case year after year until it is fully released.


It seems that God heard the prayer of Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, the leader of the party under trial, the Speaker of the Seimas, “God help me” and sent a pandemic circle of salvation.

Almighty genes

Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen’s grandfather handled the tank well during the war and was appreciated. After hitting the tank he controlled in the Šiauliai area, he was delineated. He was treated at the Šiauliai Hospital for a long time, so he stayed in this city.


The grandfather served as a financier on the executive committee. His former co-workers said he was an extraordinarily talented financier, scrupulously as if he had a Jewish gene, kept financial records, watched closely so that no government kopeks were pushed aside.

Well dressed, uptight, punctual as a Swiss watch, affectionate, attentive, friendly, not drinking a drop even during big parties, not smoking, he was the benchmark of a true Soviet servant. They all admired him. Grandpa only spoke Russian.

Unexpected message

Unexpectedly, word spread that the grandfather’s son, Victoria Čmilytė-Nielsen’s father, Čmilis Viktor Ivanovičius, was carrying out secret KGB duties and was a KGB reservist. Continuing the tradition of Victoria’s grandfather, her father, an oil tanker, Čmilis VI entered the Smolensk Oil Artillery Political School in 1985 and upon graduation received a Bachelor’s degree. rank of lieutenant. There was no doubt that Chilli VI would become a full-time kebabista. An additional position was expected.


The attention of co-workers to the person of the grandfather clouded. No one publicly asked why his son became a fervent KGB reservist. He may also carry out his secret tasks through his father, Victoria’s grandfather. Everyone remained friendly but silent.


Victoria’s grandfather, her son Viktor, Viktor’s daughter Victoria (“Victoria” – “victory”, lat.) He played and plays chess well. Victory now, and in political chess. The big three chess players are well anticipated and anticipate big moves ahead. Far away. Only great teachers can do this.


Science has not said when, how, under what conditions genes will function in their own way. The genes of the granddaughter, daughter Victoria are not really responsible for the functioning of the genes of the father and grandfather …

Let’s see what we have

Thus, the Seimas is headed by Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, president of the Liberal Movement Party, who is on trial for a case of political corruption.


The government cabinet is headed by a liberal Ingrida Šimonytė, open, clean, without conservative spices.

The most attentive right eye realizes that there are no more coalitions in the Seimas! Only those who roll on the old rails imagine left and right sides, wings, and a ruling coalition! Public dreams abound!

Of course

And in fact, the Seimas, the Government, the Presidency and the State after the 2020 elections have been conquered by a group of friends infected by a pandemic of liberalism. In a weekly commentary, such a critic, who had not yet lost the decency of the last drop, called this group a new composed independent liberal party, already united!

I supported and even applauded – the carefully disguised truth revealed from the audience!


The National-Lithuanian Union Christian Democratic Party in the Seimas is; It is the most abundant, but there are no more “knitted beret” times at that party!


95 percent. the members of the larger ruling faction are tough liberals infected with an incurable pandemic from the modern stream of old liberalism.


Jurgis Razma, a conservative of the “knitted beret” era, who became the first favorite of the liberal president of the Seimas, turned conservative and surrendered to Victoria’s will, becoming her enthusiastic assistant.


Andrius Kubilius, a “knit beret” conservative sent by smart voters in Brussels, quickly joined the ranks of hardened Europeans with his trusty satellite Rasa Juknevičienė.


So what? – Tapin says monotonously bored. Voters will continue to regard them all as conservative and will vote for them. It is impossible to re-educate them.


Mr. Tapina, with the passage of the Homogeneous Families Act disguised in every guise during the spring session, self-education will begin!

The spontaneous re-education process will cost the state nothing.

Tom, the son of conservatives or conservative sympathizers, takes home the son of the family of liberal supporters, Chimirk, and says: We love each other and it will be our family. The daughter of the Conservative family, the family of her sympathizers, Toma marries Foma, the daughter of a family of conservatives, liberals, etc., and says: we love each other and we will be a family.


In the wake of a massive pandemic of homogeneous families, even the old-time “knit beret” conservatives will start re-educating themselves!

After the passage of the law, Lithuania will experience a massive boom in homogeneous marriages and, at the same time, the self-education of old conservative citizens.

What will come of it, I cannot say yet. But the blue flags will really wave in the wind caused by the boom in self-education and homogeneous families.


After the 2020 elections, Lithuania has embarked on a path of self-cultivation … under the blue flag!

There is little hope that president Gitan Nauseda, elected by all, will not become the flagship of self-transformation, total re-education and an unprecedented experiment in state governance.
