
The coronavirus, be it a pandemic or a scam, is clearly taking over. Those who deny their threat have already buried more than one acquaintance, and those who protect the pandemic no longer hope to survive, because they are left without work and without business. What is life without money like? It is true that soon promises to put virtual money into circulation. Just a small consolation: when entering, when directing. One hits click.

And what our government does, be it good or bad. Ogi is actually nothing. Theoretically too. Oh how convenient it is to quarantine your people at a safe distance. There is plenty of time to interact with Swala and other “no volleys”. Organize several demonstrations. During the heat of the pandemic! Otherwise, explain that they keep us locked in and pushed into mass gatherings?

Not only are we whiskers or American power dreamers causing more and more panic about COVID-19, but they also tolerate various “conspiracy theories.” They no longer want to confirm or deny it. When Putin approved the globalist plan for the “billion gold” at the Davos Economic Forum, and the main ideologue, Swab or Schwain, mysteriously silenced it. Also, neither confirmed nor denied. Apparently allowing yourself to change your mind. With whom you and for what. With Washington and Brussels. He is back with Moscow and the traditional order, but without money and without freedom.

Although not everything is going well with that freedom. As with democracy. Especially if it is made in the United States. And copied from CCCP. As in the old days, there is no way to deviate from the “general party line”. The Western world has not yet experienced this, and we, the citizens of Soviet production, already know it and have heard it. Suitable for both the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Conservative Party of the National Union. (Isn’t that why conservatives tend to replace the word “Soviet” with “Soviet” so that at least one letter is different for dictatorship and gays).

In the face of danger, normal people, even in power, no longer clarify their relationships, do not irritate their neighbors, do not hit with dissidents, do not try to profit until the last, and are more concerned that as many compatriots as possible survive possible. Not in other countries, but specifically in Lithuania. He does everything for himself, his loved ones and only his own, first of all, the citizens of the country. To save as many lives as possible and at least a small economy so that at least the foundation of the promised Welfare State remains. Unfortunately, so far everything is being done so that only citizens are left without health, savings, work, business, harmony and common sense.

At the moment of fatal danger, one seems to care less about who is race, mass, religion, nationality and even more so, what gender is 49 years old or only 13. The government should worry even less about the problems of its neighbors, who controls what and who fights with whom. Isn’t it funny when the marginalized in power try to unite foreign oppositions, when they have divided their Lithuania from one side to the other, that it is difficult for the rulers of the New World to imagine a better mince? So before sticking its nose into foreign affairs, a wise government shouldn’t mobilize and unite its citizens first. And what do those of us who blindly serve strangers do?

Needless to say. Just watch any television when you turn it on … To wonder who controls us at the extremes ?! Like no zombies, no idiots, maybe not all mentally ill yet, and they treat us very casually and irresponsibly. Even normal drivers drive more responsibly, although none of them carry millions of passengers. And the people in power rule the entire country, where a third of the population has already collapsed on their way to the Welfare State. On that occasion, I will wonder out loud why car drivers need health certificates and those who drive through the state for some reason don’t. I do not understand in any way.

Or perhaps the irresponsible actions of the current government are pure inertia. Accelerated and can no longer stop. Before we get serious about the issues of Lithuania’s survival, it is necessary to put an end to the orange revolutions and sit down with our presidents. Nor will they calm down until all the money allocated by Soros has been absorbed, which keeps falling and falling. It is a pity that our salesmen, blinded by invisible money, do not realize what awaits the stupid clumsy, who, under the guise of Yankee power, imagine themselves as the navel of the world …

Once in my youth I studied with such Kęstutis. Not very tall and strong complexion. Protel was also not very bright, so he was often mistreated by others. And our company had nothing to do with it: one pentathlon champion, another had a good shot and was familiar with street bandits, and he attended the third fight for a long time. In a word, a solid company, which Kęstutis rubbed for a long time, but did not rub in any way. But once he somehow remained – a man immediately recovered, acquired the image of a tough guy, and, believing in his power, even began to hurt others.

And this time we are “crawling” (as a walk through the city was called at that time) we are on the streets of Klaipėda in three (more Kęstutis), and two students come to us from the front. Ordinary, neat local Russians. Who are you, where are you going, what are you looking at, what do you have? … ”He obviously provoked a conflict with the residents of Klaipėda much stronger than them. Not because they are Russians or even “staroviers”, but just to present themselves and serve before us. As the situation seemed very disgusting, very contemptuous and disrespectful of the country, our trio passed by leaving Kęstutis alone to fight against your imaginary enemies.

… When he reached the cracked marble after a while, he tried to knock us out a lot and crying, why don’t we help him and go with the enemies who were left alone? I don’t know the answer until now. Did everything happen so quickly and so spontaneously that we didn’t even know what to say to him?

I probably made this old story unnecessarily famous. I feel like no one will benefit from it. Unless it is useful for fierce and warlike fighters?
