Vilnius Woman Teaches Intimate Muscle Exercises – Ensures Better Sex


According to A. Stackevič, no one can understand a woman better than another woman, that is why in the “Fairy School” they talk about various topics without any kind of taboo.

“We all want the same thing: to be happy, healthy, beautiful, to build a harmonious relationship with a loved one, to have a beautiful family, etc. Only sometimes we don’t know how to achieve it correctly.

The main objective is to help women accept and love themselves, learn to enjoy the moment, dream, constantly improve. After all, when we are happy, our whole environment changes, right? She smiles.

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PHOTO GALLERY. Anželika Stackevič from Vilnius founded the Fairy School and teaches the secrets of femininity

Learning to be fairies

A. Stackevič, who lives in Vilnius and raises her 10-month-old son, also conducts various online seminars and trainings, writes books for women, creates work calendars, and shares useful information with other women on her social media.

The woman graduated in law a few years ago, but did not associate her life with the profession. Asked about how the idea of ​​establishing a “Fairy School”, which is currently the main activity of her life, was born, A. Stackevič says that since adolescence she has been actively interested in self-analysis and self-education, and the accumulated knowledge has led to the helped to achieve a successful life.

Filling her baggage of knowledge, she decided to share her experiences and inspire other women to seek change and personal happiness.

“I read thousands of books, completed several courses of a psychological nature, and participated in countless seminars. This is how I chose what works and works for me. I applied the accumulated knowledge in practice and got incredibly good results. I have radically changed my lifestyle, my way of thinking.

I only share personally proven methods in my activities, only what I believe in and follow ”, the interlocutor shares. “One day I felt that I could no longer keep everything to myself, I wanted to share it with other women, so I founded the School of Fairies.”

Anželika Stackevič

Teach the secrets of relationships.

When asked why her project is called “Fairy School”, A. Stackevič smiles and replies that it is because during their training all women learn to become true fairies:

“At first the project was called ‘Fairy Factory’, but after a while I changed it to ‘Fairy School’ because I realized that we are not sealed anyway, but we are learning to be those fabulous fairies.”

According to the interlocutor, during their trainings, women often explore topics such as self-esteem, self-esteem, self-realization, as well as trying to discover the secret of a successful relationship or simply share their dreams in the company of others and advise each other on how make them real.

“I try to help women not only to get out of relationship crises, but also to prevent new crises. I learn to love and accept myself first, and then family members, those around us, the world .

I learn to understand my feelings and to manage them. Every day I try to inspire women to boldly move towards their dreams, ”says the founder of Fairy School.

Intimate muscle exercise: for better sex

One of the topics that the Fairy School pays a lot of attention to is intimate muscle exercise, also known as vumfite and vumbilding. A. Stackevič ensures that by performing special exercises, women can achieve incredible benefits, not only to greatly improve the quality of sexual life (it is easier to become aroused and experience an orgasm), but also to improve health and prevent certain disorders of health.

“It is a technique for intimate muscle exercises for women that can establish a strong connection with their feminine beginnings. This exercise helps prevent many gynecological diseases, improve the physical and mental health of women.

A vibrant reproductive system is the elixir of youth and beauty! At first glance, these are very simple exercises, but they bring incredible benefits. Hormonal balance is restored, local and general immunity is strengthened, the skin becomes luminous and the eyes shine.

Also, pregnancy and childbirth become smoother, there is much more pleasure during intercourse … And this is only a small part of the benefits ”, says the woman.

A. Stackevič also comments that with the help of intimate muscle exercises women can also solve problems such as painful and irregular menstruation, pain during intercourse, vaginal dryness, urinary incontinence when coughing or sneezing, descent of pelvic organs, loss of muscle tone intimate, loss of intimate muscle, cysts, fibroids, canker sores.

Also, she said, by doing intimate muscle exercises, women can help themselves when menopause is ending or they are not excited or not having an orgasm.

Anželika Stackevič teaches women intimate muscle exercises

According to A. Stackevič, these exercises can be performed anywhere and at any time, the most important thing is to dress comfortably and be in a good mood. She says that intimate muscle exercises are initially performed without exercise machines, and then after taking special courses with a trainer, women who have understood the details of the exercises can start using exercise machines for intimate muscle exercises. .

“I could describe the technique for doing the exercises in detail, but I’d rather see it once than read it a few times, right? – The woman smiles. – You can find the videos with the exercises on the YouTube channel “Fairy School” or on your Instagram account. Every month I share helpful information and free home exercise videos. “

When is it worth going to the hairdresser or doing sports, depending on the menstrual cycle?

He also tells women in detail about the phases of the menstrual cycle, which, according to A. Stackevič, every woman must know in order to understand what her body needs at that moment and how this time can be used for self-improvement.

“Each phase of a woman’s cycle affects the body with different hormones. If a woman knows her natural cycle, she doesn’t seem to have ‘something wrong’ with her. A woman adapts to changes in the body, satisfies her needs, and passes all the days without stress.

Knowing your natural cycle is helpful even in daily planning. A woman knows when it is better for her to go to a hairdresser or beautician, when to actively exercise or lie down and eat treats.

Adapting to the natural processes of the body allows you to choose the best day to surprise a loved one, the most appropriate time to perform intimate muscle exercises or meditations. In short, knowing your cycle is like a “stud” of good physical and mental well-being – assures A. Stackevič.

What is special about the 3 phases of menstruation?

A. Stackevič points out that there are 3 main phases of the female cycle: follicular, ovulatory, and luteal. The first phase, follicular, begins on the first day of menstruation and ends on the last day before ovulation. It usually lasts 10 to 16 days.

“Menstruation lasts from 1 to 4 days. There is absolutely no force, you want candy, fries, or some damn weirdness. These few days are the best to allow yourself to rest. If you suffer from a bad mood, anxiety, strong abdominal cramps, try to give up caffeine, foods with chemical additives and meat “on those days.”

This is followed by a “fitness status” of 4-5 days. The levels of hormones and sugar return to normal, finally you can return to reality ”, says the woman about the follicular phase.

According to her, these days are best used to make important decisions, plan monthly work, participate in various trainings or go to a job interview, etc.

Anželika Stackevič

When do you feel the most excitement and lust?

The founder of the Fairy School says that the second phase, called ovulation, begins 12-16 days before the start of the next cycle, and ovulation itself lasts only 1-2 days.

“These days, a woman is like a flower that attracts everyone with her beauty and aroma,” says A. Stackevič, commenting on how this phase manifests itself in a woman’s life:

“The energy flows around the edges, the mood rises, the skin looks brighter, the hair is obedient, the eyes are bright, the makeup is perfectly covered. You want to paint brighter, decorate, cover high heels. Everything is cute, beautiful, fun.

Just keep in mind that during ovulation, hormones darken a woman’s mind! There is more excitement and lust. Men look more attractive. “

He adds that these days it is worth participating in photo shoots, making new friends, going out on dates, doing sports, buying clothes, shoes, visiting a hairdresser or beautician.

Don’t make any new friends these days

The third (last) phase, according to A. Stackevič, begins after ovulation and lasts until the onset of menstruation. She comments that if the duration of the first two phases can vary, then this phase lasts from 10 to 16 days, regardless of the length of the cycle.

“Everything is annoying, you want to cry, hide from others and eat sweets … You can suffer mood swings, hypersensitivity, sadness,” says the woman about the emotions experienced during the lutein phase.

According to her, these days it is not advisable to hire employees, go to job interviews or make new friends. A. Stackevič says that these days it is better to spend more time in the fresh air, do yoga or perform intimate muscle exercises, exercise, relax in a warm bath.
