Vilnius TV tower is finally preparing for reconstruction – wants to keep revolving restaurant Business


The telecentre presented the project for the first time in May 2018. However, the reconstruction of the tallest building in the country claims to be included in the list of important economic projects for the state, so the project had to be made public again.

READ THE MULTIMEDIA STORY ABOUT THE TV TOWER HERE: Vilnius TV Tower: the invisible side of the most visible building in the capital

The feasibility study conducted by real estate services company Newsec Advisers LT proposed three alternatives: simple repairs, reconstruction, or relocation. It is estimated that the lowest cost of repairs – 3.54 million. EUR, and the most expensive reconstruction: 15.07 million. euros.

“Complete reconstruction would be optimal, its viability through economic benefits and investment ratios is the best. The size of the investment is not yet the maximum, but this is all the best solution, ”said Mindaugas Kulbokas, Head of Newsec’s Research and Analysis Group in the Baltic Region, during Thursday’s presentation.

The study indicates that reconstruction would take place in 2021-2024, with the rebuilt tower activities beginning in 2024.

Sigismund Gedvila / photo 15min / television tower

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / television tower

The building is outdated but it is safe.

There are rumors in the public that the TV tower is not safe and cannot be operated. Not only that, the consultants also emphasize that major improvements are needed both in basic construction and in internal infrastructure networks. The tower’s fire protection system does not currently meet the modified requirements. In addition, the current building access and evacuation system does not meet all safety requirements and does not guarantee the safe movement of people with special needs.

However, Remigijus Šeris, the director of the Telecentre, categorically denies the words that the building is not safe to use. According to him, in 40 years, the requirements for fire and disabled access to the building have changed substantially.

“At the time the tower was being built, few thought about the equitable participation of people with disabilities. As far as possible, the tower meets all the requirements, but with some reservations. For example, there must be two companions to ensure the evacuation of the disabled, but if the tower were more adapted, this would not be necessary. But that does not mean that the building is not safe and that people are in danger of being trapped in the tower. We guarantee safety, otherwise we could not operate it “, assured R. Šeris.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Vilnius television tower decorated with Lithuanian tricolor

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Vilnius television tower decorated with Lithuanian tricolor

Will rebuild with your own funds

The telecentre plans to rebuild the tower in several stages on its own, without requesting government assistance.

“Activities are taking place in the television tower, and sufficient returns are expected from it. We calculated that this project would be worth it and it would be worth the investment, ”said R. Šeris.

VIDEO: Exceptional images: high-altitude climbers worked on the Vilnius TV tower

In 2018, it was announced that the total amount of investments should reach 12 million. Now 15 million euros are announced. quantity. According to experts, the price has changed due to changes in the construction price index.

“Currently, only project proposals have been prepared and having only them, it is possible to speak only of preliminary estimates. In any case, a technical work project will be prepared, tenders will be held, and then the budget will be announced, ”said Rytis Mikulionis, head of the project and the Plazma architecture studio.

Julius Kalinskas / photo 15min / television tower

Julius Kalinskas / photo 15min / television tower

The project to rebuild the tower was presented two years ago and then there was talk that the works could begin as soon as possible. Why did it take so long? R.Šeris 15 minutes He explained that the Telecentre was at the height of the Estonians, who rebuilt their own tower in 2011-2012 using European funds earmarked for tourism promotion. However, at that time, no project had been prepared for the Lithuanian Television Tower.

“We prepared a project and tried to see if it was possible to raise funds from other funds for the reconstruction of the tower. Unfortunately, none of the current European funds are focused on promoting tourism, and this project is about new services, entertainment and only a small part about technology.

For this reason, we changed the strategic direction of the project implementation and decided that it would be possible to continue doing it in stages and on our own, ”said the Telecentro head.

Luke April / 15-minute photo / television tower from a bird's eye view.

Luke April / 15min photo / television tower from a bird’s eye view.

The project is scheduled to be implemented in four stages and will not close the door to the public during reconstruction.

“It may take half a year to close, but it will depend on the permission of the authorities. But we will try to coordinate the project with the institutions so that we can carry out the stages without closing, but only restricting the flow of visitors”, assured R. Šeris.

He wants to maintain a revolving restaurant

According to the original plan, there would have been no revolving restaurants left in the TV tower, but now ways are being sought to preserve it.

“We are looking at how the revolving restaurant could be saved and we believe this would be a feature that would increase attraction. We will try to keep this unique device, “said R. Šeris, adding that the Estonians did not keep it.

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Restaurant

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Restaurant “Paukščių takas”.

True, according to R.Šeris, the construction of the revolving restaurant no longer meets modern requirements.

“He is 40 years old. And the metal is tired, everything must be rebuilt, the construction and the mechanisms must be reassembled. It is simply worn out,” explained the director of the institution.

During the reconstruction, the television tower would be renovated and the unused premises of the tower would be repaired. The January 13 Memorial Museum, the building structure, fire protection elements, engineering infrastructure, façade and transmission equipment are also being renovated.

Earlier it was announced that Lithuania’s tallest building will be better suited to recreation and leisure needs, and three floors will be adapted for visitors.

Read more about the project presented in 2018 here: The TV tower will be better suited for entertainment and recreation after reconstruction.

According to R. Mikulionis, compared to the project announced in 2018, the conservation of the revolving restaurant is a fundamental change.

“There were really a lot of sayings (during the first advertisement) that this function should be preserved, so we discussed how to customize the program while preserving the rotary function. However, the principles things did not change, we thought about how to adapt the technical floors. The project was developed, deepened and coordinated ”, said the architect.

According to R. Mikulionis, a permit has currently been received for the installation of an outdoor observation deck.

“Soon we will have the opportunity to go for a walk,” said the project manager.

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Ventilation rooms under the restaurant

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Ventilation rooms under the restaurant “Paukščių takas”.

326.4 meters high and more than 25 thousand. tons of total construction weight The construction of the tower took six years. The first concrete cube was poured into the tower foundation in May 1974, and the tower began operation on January 31, 1981.

It is the tallest building in Lithuania, but it has not been renovated since its inception.

Under a similar project, television towers were built in Baku and Tallinn.
