Vilnius tourist in Palanga said: “I ran to the resort not to vacation with the builders” | Deal


“Is it possible to allow large-scale construction works to be carried out in Palanga or other Lithuanian resorts in mid-summer? This is a time when tourists and people in sanatoriums spend large sums of money on their rest and health. How to rest and treat if there is a lot of noise from the construction site from 9 am to 7 pm? Shouldn’t such work be done in the spring, fall, and winter? I am not talking about reconstructions or repairs: big construction has started here, the foundations are being prepared, “asked the 15 minutes contacted Marija (the real name and the surname are known to the editorial board).

Construction, according to her, is taking place on Palanga Neringos street. The owners of the surrounding villas were not informed of the fact that they, and still so noisy, would start on July 13, so they could not warn their guests either. Tourists did not know they were going to a lodging site where construction was taking place. According to the author of the complaint, guests of the rehabilitation center “Pušynas”, as well as guests of the rest house or hotel “Medus”, “Paulina”, “Smilčių vilas” complain of a lot of noise. No one is supposed to consider claiming compensation, and those who stay longer plan to move to a quieter place, which is a disappointment not only for tourists who yearn for peace, but also the financial loss of some accommodation providers. .

“It just came to our attention then. We did not know that the construction would take place. We were looking for peace and harmony, we were tired of the noise of the big city, exhausted after work. We always chose the same hotel, as it is ideal for families relax. We expected peace, but this time we see a big tractor through the windows and we hear the constant noise from it. We asked the municipality for that, “said María with frustration.

She said she had interacted with a couple who came from Vilnius and stayed in Medu. The couple said they wanted to go to Nida, but could not find vacancies there, so they chose a villa next to the Palanga pine forest and the sea, they thought it would be quiet there as in Nida, because J.Basanavičiaus street is far away. However, the tourists’ vacations were ruined: they did not expect to “rest” with the builders and said they would never return to Palanga.

María also transmitted more complaints from tourists.

I cried for half a day

Neringa Street is considered one of the most prestigious in the complex, as it stretches along a pine forest and dunes that separate the settlement from the beach and the sea. 15 minutes When the reporter went to the site, to and from the construction site, heavy machinery rumbled and an excavator was working in a relatively small area between the houses: the foundation was being prepared and a large well was being dug.

Nijolė Štarienė, the owner of the nearby Paulina villa, agreed that although the construction is carried out legally, with all permits, the builders do not feel any moral responsibility towards other owners of accommodation establishments, tourists, who really don’t want to hear 9 am at 7 p.m. noise under the windows

Villa owner: “I have to blush in front of my guests, I can’t go out to the patio.”

“After all, families go back to sleep with their children during lunch, and there is so much noise here, those cars are buzzing, they are blocking the entrances, the entire street, and 5 clients had to come to me.” We even called the police yesterday. Is it normal for a large-scale construction to take place now, at the height of the season? Why not wait until mid-August? Who is doing this? I have to blush in front of my guests, I can’t go out to the patio. I stand in front of them with tears. I cried for half a day yesterday, “N.Štarienė spoke with tears.

Sigismund Gedvila photo / 15min / Construction on Neringos street

Sigismund Gedvila photo / 15min / Construction on Neringos street

Her husband, former mayor of Vilnius Arūnas Štaras, assured that although the country was quarantined this year, there are no shortage of tourists: 150 requests have been received to date (15 rooms in the villa managed by the couple), while the year Last there were around 160 of them. The builders’ words about the fact that there are few orders and the construction doesn’t really bother many, he believes are false.

“The construction is carried out by the owner of the villa Medus, Šiaulianska chėbra. In May, the building that had been here was demolished and construction began abruptly, although the builders persuaded Herbal to wait. We think that these people, respecting their guests, would abstain until the fall, unfortunately … What will change in a month and a half? They have traveled the world, but nowhere to see such construction begin in the middle of the season. Would you like to work on a construction site? N.Štarienė was angry.

Constructor: “Fear of future competition”

Commentary 15 minutes Vytautas Varanavičius, a former construction client at the site, agreed to deliver, assuring that he was working only on the second day, and during those two days he managed to dig everything he needed: the excavator was already leaving.

“No complaints could be obtained from tourists. Only this lady (Nijolė Štarienė – aut. Past) is the only complaining tourist. She does not like anyone alone. Absurd. Fear of future competition. Someone from Smilčių vilas complains, I called the owner and he said, “Stop laughing. After all, we have a building permit … Avoid all the Palanga construction sites, build everywhere.” V. Varanavičius wondered why his construction was stagnant.

Žygimantas Gedvila Photo / 15min / Construction on Neringos Street: on the right - Villa

Žygimantas Gedvila Photo / 15min / Construction on Neringos Street: on the right – Villa “Paulina”

He said he had bought the abandoned house standing two years ago: a new two-story, two-story building will be delivered to his son, and housing services will be provided. Construction, which is being implemented on behalf of the company, is promised to be completed in July of next year.

“The bulldozer will go, there will be no more noise. We will leave the earth in a week,” promised the builder.

When asked if he could delay the start of construction and take it over in the second half of August, the owner of Medus turned his anger on the neighbor, allegedly built his own villa during the summer, obstructed obtaining a building permit, and As soon as it was obtained, the work began.

“We can’t start whenever you want,” V. Varanauskas turned to Štarus with a smile. – The competition is afraid, afraid that the evaluation will fall. After all, people go where they are best. “

The Palanga entrepreneurs’ barn located in the neighborhood has not been silent for a long time.

Police found no KET violations

According to Kęstutis Bončkus, Head of the Operations Department of the Palanga City Police Commissariat, on July 13, at approximately 10:24 a message was received that a truck parked on Neringa Street in Palanga was blocking the way.

Officers who visited the scene discovered that the truck that had brought the cargo to the construction site had blocked the street for a short time. No traffic violations found, authorities warned the driver to drive more responsibly.

15 minutes The request was also sent to the municipality of the city of Palanga, but no response has yet been received. We will supplement this publication when it is shipped.
