Vilnius Street Repair Against Backdrop of Anxiety: Small Entrepreneurs Prepare for Collapse


The renovation of Vilniaus Street was scheduled to start in 2018, but the Kaunas Municipality was still unable to find a contractor to carry out these works.

More recently, just two weeks before the start of the repair work, the staff suddenly announced the work to begin and its progress.

This was unexpected for Kaunas residents and businessmen living on Vilniaus Street. Business representatives have despaired and turned their heads on how to survive while repairs are being made.

The residents also had several questions, but did not know where to look for answers.

I got every message

On July 1, Aloyzas Pakalniškis, head of the Municipal Management Department of the Kaunas Municipality, met with the residents and businessmen of Vilnius Street. They were informed that the remodeling of this pedestrian street would begin from the Plaza del Ayuntamiento to the underground pedestrian crossing.

In a first stage, the cobblestones will be removed and underground communications will be managed.

As of August 2, works will also begin from the underpass to Laisvės Alley. The underground passage itself will be closed. No special accesses to the buildings are foreseen at least for the moment. The street is scheduled to be renovated next summer.

Hearing this, Kaunas residents reacted differently to this news.

Regina Randienė, who runs an amber souvenir shop on Vilniaus Street, said that, along with other members of the Old Town Society, she was constantly interested in knowing when the street repair might begin.

“As a result, some restaurant and cafe owners did not renew their business even after the end of the quarantine. We knew that repairs could begin soon,” said the businesswoman.

It will not close the cabin until it is accessible. If there is no access, she will no longer work, but even during the quarantine, the businesswoman expanded online commerce, which paid off.

“We all understand that the street has to be repaired. It is important that the work is completed as soon as possible,” said R. Randienė.

Outraged because he did not consult

Those who offer catering services live in much more pessimistic moods.

Nijolė Dranseikienė, owner of the “Kavos kerai” cafe, said that, like many other entrepreneurs, she expected that access to cafes and shops would be left during the repair of the street. This was done by renovating Laisvės Alley.

“If there are no accesses, many entrepreneurs will be condemned to lay off employees, close the business, but still pay the rent for the premises. The worst thing is that the municipality did not consult us, did not listen to our opinion, only announced how the works would go, and it did so very shortly before they began ”, the businesswoman was surprised.

The Kaunas company employs 7 people and herself. If the cafe needs to be closed during the repair, 5 employees will have to be laid off. After the quarantine, coffee has only just begun to recover, but now new difficulties will arise.

“Those who have cafes, restaurants and other places in the city will be able to relocate employees elsewhere, but small entrepreneurs like me who work only on Vilnius Street will fail,” said N. Dranseikienė.

There are unanswered questions

Eividas Petrulis, head of another company, Formosa, which sells bubble tea, said the news reported by the municipality was also unexpected.

“At the moment, we live in uncertainty and we are waiting for the start of the street repair works. We’ll see if it won’t be possible to get to the tearoom. If it needs to be closed, we will relocate staff. If we will have to pay the rent for the premises while we are not working, I don’t know yet either, I am waiting for the owners’ decision, ”said the businessman.

He, like most businessmen, is convinced that Vilnius Street needed to be repaired during the quarantine or that construction began in the autumn so that both businessmen and residents could have fun on it in the summer.

Residents also have questions about the progress of street repairs.

Worried about the foundations

Vidas Silvestravičius, president of the association of the 15th block of flats on Vilniaus street, said that the street had been waiting for repairs for a long time, because now it is possible to get rid of his leg or further injure himself due to stones on the paved pavement.

The residents of this house, like most houses, enter their yards from other streets, so they do not expect major problems.

“For us it is more important that the buildings are not damaged during the works, because many of the foundations and walls of the old houses are already cracked.

80 centimeters of pavement and ground will also be excavated during the works. Once this is done, it would be good to waterproof the foundations of the buildings. But if this will be done, who should pay for it, we don’t know and no one informed where to go, ”said a resident of Vilniaus Street.

Promised to listen carefully to all suggestions

Aloyzas Pakalniškis, Head of the Kaunas City Management Department:

“So far, the plans for the renovation of Vilnius Street have not changed. As of July 12, it is planned to start managing the section of Vilnius Street from Kaunas City Hall to the underground passage. The work from 2 to August 1 will start in the section from the underground passage to Laisvės alley.

We want the closure of Vilniaus Street to be as short as possible, so the works are scheduled to be completed next summer. We believe that the renovated Vilniaus Street will be more attractive to both citizens and visitors to the city, and this will lead to business recovery.

We are currently awaiting proposals from entrepreneurs and will consider them.

Car owners receive permits so that their vehicle numbers are known. While Vilnius Street is being repaired, its residents will also be able to park their cars in nearby areas.

The retiring contractors are committed to helping all residents who turn to them in good faith. “
