Vilnius promises to invite people 35 and over to COVID-19 starting Friday


According to the mayor at a press conference, Vilnius still had about 9,000 vacancies on Thursday morning. vaccines. Therefore, both he and other mayors, in a meeting with the Minister of Health, asked if it would be possible to advance the schedule for the second dose of AstraZeneca instead of waiting 12 weeks as planned.

“I think not all vaccines will be used. The minister tried to ask what to do in that case, whether to leave the vaccines unused, advance the booster time or lower the age category. It was not easy to listen, but as others asked Mayors, we hear the need to lower our age.

That is what we are going to do from tomorrow if there are vaccines left. Today, we continue to invite people over 45 to get vaccinated, and tomorrow, if there is a vaccine, we will be inviting people over 35. Not since he was 18 years old, as in most municipalities, “the mayor told the press.

In a meeting of mayors and A. Dulkis this Thursday, the municipalities propose to shorten the deadline for the administration of the second dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine against the coronavirus.

“We have serious challenges to offer or persuade the population to obtain a vaccine from a manufacturer, known to all. It is really unpopular, regardless of whether they organize live queues or in some other way,” said Mindaugas Sinkevičius, president of the Association of Municipalities of Lithuania, mayor of the Jonava district, at a press conference after the meeting.

Since the manufacturer recommends that the AstraZeneca booster vaccination be given after 4 to 12 weeks, the Lithuanian population is currently generally vaccinated with the longest possible interval between vaccinations. The exception applies to professors and graduates.

A. Dulkys admitted that while Pfizer vaccines are available at vaccination centers, residents are slow to choose AstraZeneca.

However, he said that shortening the boost time for AstraZeneca will be considered unless it is in the future.

“Looking at that process live, we will probably consider that aspect of the 12-week recommendation in the future. However, our message today is that we would still like to start May 10 with a 12-week recommendation, with the exception of the graduates and teachers ”, said the Minister.
