Vilnius kindergarten was surprised by the news that the student was infected with Covid-19: employees and parents, isolated


Lina Banaitienė, director of the Vilkpėdė kindergarten, said that this message was like thunder from the clear sky. The director of said what measures the kindergarten took after the unexpected news.

Kindergarten teachers, staff, and group parents – self-isolated

The National Center for Public Health (NVSC) urgently urged the entire nursing team, including educators and assistants, to be quarantined for 14 days. On Monday, the NVSC called the parents of the children in the group and asked that they be isolated for two weeks.

Parents asked if they had interacted with the infected child, but did not even know who the child was because the kindergarten had not informed him under the personal protection requirements.

According to the kindergarten, the parents could not have direct contact with the child, since they left the offspring at the door of the institution in the morning and picked them up in the afternoon when they played outside. The children, of course, may have had close contact.

Kindergarten parents reported that the Covid-19 test for the student will be repeated and cannot be confirmed.


The kindergarten student was one of the 15 infected

On Monday morning, the Ministry of Health and NVSC announced that 15 new cases of Covid-19 had been registered in the country. On Tuesday, the NVSC announced that the Vilkpėdė kindergarten student is one of 15 cases reported Monday morning.

The circumstances of the infection were stated to be unclear to the person who was diagnosed with the disease prior to the planned operation in Vilnius County. He had no symptoms. 3 contact persons have been identified and the epidemiological investigation is ongoing.

On Tuesday afternoon, the NVSC reported that a Covid-19 case was detected last Saturday in a wolf nursery at a nursery.

“The director of the Vilkpėdė kindergarten was contacted, the contact persons (children, employees) were identified, all were contacted and explained that they would have to isolate themselves for 14 days, all signed consents.

The werewolf nursery was instructed to disinfect the facility. Everyone who has been in contact is informed that they should monitor their health and request an examination for symptoms, “replied Akvilė Sakalauskaitė, Senior Specialist in the Communicable Disease Management Division of the Vilnius Department of the NSC.

Kindergarten director: the mother had a negative test and the child a positive test

L. Banaitienė, director of the Vilkpėd jardín kindergarten, stated that on Monday she received unexpected news from NVSC that a Covid-19 case had been identified for her student.

“It was like a message or thunder from a clear sky. The boy was asymptomatic, with nothing. Preparations for elective surgery were made, tests were performed, and a negative test was performed on the mother and a positive test on the child. That Covid-19 test should now be done before any surgery.

We get a call from NVSC fast enough with all the instructions and actions we need to take. In order for us to isolate the group, we had to send the contacts of all the parents whose children had direct contact with that child. NVSC specialists contacted parents and gave them all instructions on what to do.

Now we are all waiting, that group is isolated for 14 days, until July 31. The tutor and the tutor’s assistant do not work either, they are isolated at home. Educators have registered for the test and will do so on Thursday.

Throughout the summer, we follow the recommendations in place during quarantine to prevent parents from being admitted to institutions, and educators greet children at the door. We will continue to do so. We put disinfectant mats everywhere on the door. Disinfectants are everywhere. The Educator’s Assistant disinfects all surfaces. We disinfect that group, remove the bedding, ventilate it and close it. We will disinfect and clean everything again before the children return.

All the children were healthy and no one felt any symptoms. Now all parents are watching responsibly and are not taking children with a runny nose or other symptoms to kindergarten, “he said.

Children of doctors working in Vilnius are offered to open three kindergartens.

I didn’t feel any symptoms

The director of the kindergarten said the message to the family of the infected boy was unexpected and no one felt any symptoms of coronavirus.

“I feel like this was also unexpected for the family, because the whole family has not felt any symptoms so far.” We don’t know and parents don’t know where this is from. They are very eager to do a new test because all kinds of thoughts arise, maybe that test is inaccurate. We know that the father of that family has registered to take the test in the near future.

The other parents reacted very calmly when we asked that the children be picked up by that group as soon as possible so that we could do things right. Other groups are working because there were no recommendations to close the entire kindergarten, because the case is unique and asymptomatic, we simply closed that group according to the recommendations, the teachers and an employee were isolated, now we are waiting for more information, “he said. the director L. Banaitienė.

2 new cases were reported on Tuesday

On Tuesday it was reported that a coronavirus infection (COVID-19) had been confirmed in two people in Lithuania last day. The case detected in Kėdainiai is related to a disease previously diagnosed at a fertilizer factory in Vilnius County, with a family outbreak.

A total of 1,949 people were diagnosed with coronavirus in the last day, 255 people are still sick, 1,601 have recovered, and 89 people are isolated.

The first coronavirus case was detected yesterday in the Kaunas region (Kėdainiai). COVID-19 was diagnosed to a Lifosa AB employee during a preventive examination. The person does not feel any signs of coronavirus infection, writes the National Center for Public Health (NVSC).

Based on initial data collected, the person had no direct contact with a colleague who was diagnosed with COVID-19 last week, but used shared facilities. According to currently available data, the infected person also did not communicate with people who returned from abroad. During the epidemiological diagnosis, 6 people were identified in close contact. Everyone was already isolated at home.

The second COVID-19 case was confirmed yesterday in Vilnius County. The person was found to be ill after contact with sick family members who were diagnosed with COVID-19 on July 12. On his return from Bulgaria. Infected on July 15. temperature increased, runny nose, July 19. the person lost their sense of smell. It was found that 5 other people had contact with this person, they were in isolation. July 20 The thirteenth death of a person infected with coronavirus who died of other causes was also reported.
