Vilnius begins the winter season: spreaders have hit the roads


Currently, the main concern is the formation of “black ice” in the lower layers of the street due to freezing and expansion of humidity, and in the case of the first snowfalls, the streets will be cleaned as a priority: first arteries arterials and streets with traffic and public transport. auxiliary streets of the city.

Like last year, this year 4 small spreaders, specially adapted for the narrow streets of the Old Town, will work in the center of the city. The mobile salt hopper purchased by the company last winter proved particularly successful, allowing drivers to quickly replenish their salt reserves without returning to base, so this winter Grinda acquired several similar facilities to be built in strategically convenient locations around the city in the near future. The main streets will continue to be cleaned by powerful trucks with 2 snow plows, capable of transporting almost 14 tons of salt mixtures and covering 300 thousand tons in one exit. kv. m of street space. The streets of the entire city will be maintained by some 60 mechanisms adapted for winter work.

“Every morning Vilnius residents can safely reach their destination – a workplace, a kindergarten, a school, a shopping center or a polyclinic – we must plan our work responsibly. Technology, however Powerful and modern as it is, it is nothing without the person who controls it. We are doing everything we can to protect the people who care for the city, but if the coronavirus becomes unmanageable, we are ready to act according to the pessimistic plan of spread of COVID-19 in the company ”, says Kęstutis Vaicekiūtis, Director of UAB Grinda.

The company has already made decisions to help ensure business continuity. To minimize the possibility of direct employee contact, in the winter of street maintenance, employees are divided into day and night shifts and move to different premises adapted to the drivers on duty. Additional partitions and sanitary facilities have been installed in the premises so that shift workers are as infrequent as possible. The dispatchers on duty have also moved to places where they will not have direct contact with the drivers or other colleagues. From now on, all the winter service personnel will work in different bases, some will be on duty at home and, if necessary, will go directly to the pre-established bases, where they will have the vehicles disinfected and ready to work.

Grinda used the time before the start of winter efficiently: throughout October, Grinda’s men participated in training on slippery driving, where they were able to test their own skills and techniques. This is not the first time employee training of this type has been provided – last year 65 drivers were trained and this year up to 80 drivers who are the first in the city to tackle the winter challenges.

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