Village peace was disturbed by planned gas station – angry to learn what the neighborhood is waiting for


The couple claim that those plans outside their homes were not disclosed.

The residents of Berčiūnai do not expect the entrepreneurs to abandon their plans, but they hope to improve the project at least a little so that their quality of life is not seriously affected.

As Mindaugas Kalvaitis and her family are on Nevėžio Street, outside the village of Berčiūnai, they learned that a gas station had already been planned near their home, not from businessmen or the Panev municipiožys district municipality, but from a family friend. Mindaugas says he didn’t believe it at first, because until last week, a big ad from a real estate agency hung on the plot that this land was for sale. When he was interested, M. Kalvaitis realized that his friend had not been mistaken: the plot had been sold a good year ago. Mindaugas applied to the Panevėžys district municipal administration and the district chief architect, Donatas Malinauskas, but there they told the district resident that he was almost late for the departure train.

“They told me that this is like the final presentation of the project, it is the last step and nothing can be changed. However, an agricultural parcel was sold. Shouldn’t the owners of the adjacent parcels have been informed about the change to a commercial purpose? ”- M. Kalvaitis has a question for the District Municipality and its chief architect.

Neither said nor combined

Mindaugas is convinced that the construction of a 24-hour gas station will fundamentally change the quiet life in the countryside. According to him, noise, increased pollution, bright lights throughout the night, and loss of privacy are just some of the downsides to such a neighborhood.

“From the limit of our plot, where the trampoline for children is now being built, to the gas station it will be only 26 meters. The quality of life will change day and night. We are no longer talking about increased pollution or noise, the exits are made so that the cars turn around our plot. Therefore, we will have to build barriers ourselves so that no one can drive. And the neighbors who live further away are not satisfied with such a neighborhood, so they are considering installing video cameras, because there are usually always more people and people with long fingers at the gas stations, ”enthused M. Kalvaitis.

Already on March 17, the organizers of the gas station project invite the community to a presentation. M. Kalvaitis will also participate. Although the project is presented on the website of the Panev distritožys district municipality, some details and issues are not discussed. According to Mindaugas, it is written about underground fuel tanks, but their size is not mentioned. Depending on this, the required distances must be maintained.

“We plan to attend the meeting, but when we know that the gas station belongs to one of the largest gas station networks, it is unlikely that we will listen to each other and abandon plans to build it here. At least we want the entrance to be rescheduled. from Šiauliai Road and partitions are provided to protect the closest neighbors from noise, pollution and lights, ”said M. Kalvaitis.

Photo by P. Židonis

Photo by P. Židonis

News for all the people

Jolita Verikienė, president of the Berčiūnai village community, also confirmed that the villagers have not received any official information about the planned gas station with a car wash next to their home. She only read it herself on the social network. The president considers that perhaps information about this can also be found on the website of the Panevėžys district municipality, but it is rare that someone follows the information published on this page on a daily basis.

“It has been rumored for a long time that a gas station can be built here. But then these speeches fell silent. The plot has been sold for a long time. And recently we learned that there is indeed a gas station in this strategic location. It is Understandably, car traffic is higher, as is pollution, which will affect the residents of the four closest houses. Other rural residents should not experience any inconvenience, “says J. Verikienė.

Community representatives have already spoken with the elder about this issue. Theoretically, the community could hire a lawyer to defend the interests of the population, but it would be very costly.

“We can object, but in this case we would hardly win: the house will be separated from the gas station by a strip of several trees. See how the gas station was built next to the Depo Mall, practically for the residents under the windows. Nothing could be done there, more so here, ”said the president of the Berčiūnai village community.

Neighbors won’t choose

According to J. Verikienė, the word of the population against business often remains inaudible. And such cases, when gas stations sprout near residential houses, are not uncommon. In Panevėžys, Nemuno street, there are even two service stations next to each other and practically surrounded by residential houses. Residents of G. Petkevičaitė-Bitės Street have recently found themselves in a similar situation. A car wash has sprung up next to his own home.

Photo by P. Židonis

Photo by P. Židonis

“Now a café is being rebuilt in Berčiūnai. Recently, the Municipality closed the school and soon the building itself and the stadium as a separate lot will be sold at auctions. It is very likely that some cabins or houses will sprout here. I think the old men will not be satisfied with that. But you never know who will be in your neighborhood. Therefore, even for people who live near the gas station, there is nothing left but to fight at least against the protective walls that protect against noise and pollution ”, thinks J. Verikienė.

The levers won’t stop braking

Donatas Malinauskas, Head of the Department of Architecture of the District Municipality of Panevėžys, explains that the construction of a service station outside the house cannot help the outraged residents much. According to him, if all actions are carried out legally, there are no levers that can stop construction. According to the architect, if the neighbors see that something is changing or inappropriate for them, they should talk about it, express their opinion right now, when the project is being announced.

“There must be a basis to stop any action. It is currently in the process of publicity. Residents can express their comments and suggestions, and the project organizers will assess whether they can be taken into account,” said M. Malinauskas.

We could not contact the developer of the project, the company “Rusnė” – no one answers on their landline.
