Villa “Auska” will be offered on the market: the municipality of Palanga will look for a tenant, the price has been announced Business


In February, Turto bankas handed over the villa to the municipality of Palanga, so now the official owner of Auska is the municipality of the city of Palanga. The villa consists of 4,500 square meters. A few meters from the rest building, guardhouse, tennis courts, several viewpoints. There are other tangible assets in the villa; It is estimated that there are more than 60 paintings in the village. It is true that politicians should not be surprised that some of them were valued in pennies when transferring property.

The new owner, the Municipality of Palanga, decided that the historic villa could not be left empty until its purpose was considered, so it was decided to rent the villa for at least two years. Recreational activities could take place here.

The lease agreement with the current tenant, Ambra Investicijos, expires at the end of April. True, the end of the lease was marked by a painful event: on March 1, Gintaras Pocevičius, CEO of the company and head of Auska, died of coronavirus in hospital. This company owned Auska for about ten years.

The Palanga City Council approved it this Thursday, so the municipality will soon announce a public tender to select a temporary holder. It is estimated that the rent for the year will be about 120 thousand euros (without VAT), that is, about 10 thousand euros per month. The municipality plans to rent the villa for at least two years.

It is expected that it is during this period when the municipality decides who could use the legendary village. The authorities of the complex have commissioned a feasibility study on the use of Auska. The small company “Branus” won the contest and works for 5,324 euros.

As the mayor of the resort Šarūnas Vaitkus said during the meeting, the initial versions of the feasibility study must be presented to the council members before the summer and later to the public.

The price of paintings fell in my eye

After the real estate bank transferred Villa Auska to the municipality, dozens of paintings lined the list of tangible assets. Council members were impressed by the fact that out of more than 60 paintings, some of them were valued at just 0.29 cents.

Councilor Vaidas Simaitis asked why it is intended to transfer items that have no value to the tenant.

“We delivered the paintings for 29 cents, there had to be different estimates. Shouldn’t other prices appear? What is the real value? We know that paintings by good authors are not cheap, they have prices ”, said V. Simaitis.

Kostas Jakubauskas, head of the Directorate of Economy and Property of the Municipality of Palanga, who presented the project, said that the municipality itself did not evaluate anything, the values ​​in the documents are the same as those written when taking over the property.

“As the years go by, the paintings become more valuable. The rental price will not be affected, but to be protected a revaluation is needed ”, suggested another councilor Elena Kuznecova.

The council members argued that the paintings should be revalued or that, if a tenant appears, a clause could be included in the contract that the painting would have to be remunerated at market price. Mayor Šarūnas Vaitkus suggested removing the paintings in general and giving them to the Resort Museum, which will keep them until it is decided what activities will take place in the village.

Criticize the rental price

V. Simaitis raised the question of how the rental price of the villa was calculated. It is said that almost 120 thousand euros a year is a large amount. The politician recalled that the rent for the Tennis Hotel was about 30 thousand euros, although there were still more rooms.

“In my head, it is too expensive,” said the politician. We are now shopping for a 5,000 feasibility study to find out what to do. We have big eyes, we see and we want to, but if the competitions fail, the costs for the city will be, we will need care and guards.

The head of the agricultural department assured that the rental price was calculated according to the approved price. Also, not only the villa building, but also other real estate (tennis courts, etc.) will be handed over to the owner.

Rent until you decide

The mayor of Palanga, Šarūnas Vaitkus, once again thanked the government, which made a “very clear decision” and prevented the bulldozer from privatizing a village with 21 hectares of coastal territory. The mayor is convinced that in this, the most beautiful place in the resort, near the sea, there would be private villas.

What should be done? On May 1, take the keys and lock the object? During the day to load a nursing home there? They are not adapted, it is necessary to rebuild, change the spatial planning documents, change the purpose.

“Today, the state is not hungry to sell such objects. Many mistakes were made 30 years ago, I am talking about showers, beach infrastructure, toilets, which later became hotels, ”said Š.Vaitkus.

The mayor recalled once again that the municipality has seized the property with a valid lease, which will expire soon, so a decision is necessary.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Villa Auska in Palanga

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Villa Auska in Palanga

“What should be done? Take the keys on May 1 and lock the object? During the day to load a nursing home there? They are not adapted, it is necessary to rebuild, change the spatial planning documents, change the purpose. Therefore, the municipality did not immediately commission any feasibility study, it will examine what best reflects the need. You will need to manage documents, look for finances, tidy up the building. I wondered if there would be an opportunity to participate in the EU Structural Funds to adapt to social needs. As time passes, we suggest a rational use, not blocking, not paying the municipal budget for its maintenance. The price is high, but it has been calculated in accordance with the Alienation Law, “he said. Mayor.

The tender to rent a villa will be announced by the municipality of Palanga in the near future.
