Veryga: wearing masks outdoors may be a recommendation


“Proposals to leave alone to leave recommendations for wearing the mask outdoors will be presented to the government. When she decides, she will, too. There may be no obligation to wear a mask in public places.

But in closed spaces where people interact, there is no idea to abandon the mask. Even more so in celebrations such as weddings, more than one family member gathers and the mask should be used, because people gather from different contexts, “said the Minister.

He agreed that dissatisfaction with the masks heard in public space is very human, especially since the officers will not go out to send each part.

“It is very human to forget all the problems and since Lithuania has done well to control the virus, more and more people think that the virus does not exist at all. And that discomfort caused by wearing a mask when the air gets hot has become a bigger problem than the virus itself.

These are human things and the implementation of any measure does not depend on how many will be on the street of the police, but on how many people will realize themselves. If we see that society no longer adopts certain measures, it is impossible to implement them, then there is no sense in how to implement that obligation, “said A. Veryga.

According to him, although there is a debate about how much masks help or not, there are several scientific nuances, but leaving a recommendation to do so makes sense. It will be different with closed spaces: masks should still be used here.

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The quarantine relaxation also includes requirements for the organization of kindergartens, which will open from Monday.

New recommendations on organizing personal celebrations have also been presented, requirements on how funerals should be organized during quarantine have been updated.

“We have sad examples where the organization of the holidays ended very sadly and people infected with the coronavirus even died later,” Veryga said.

Rules have also been developed for the provision of beauty services, such as organizing work for companies and state institutions.

“If it is possible to organize the work remotely, especially for people at risk, it should be done.” Those who return to work should receive conditions for safe working conditions, check the temperature of employees, “said A. Veryga.

The government will consider further quarantine reduction on Wednesday. Permission to work inside cafes and for children to return to school will also be considered.

Three deaths were reported Tuesday

The latest from the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) on May 12. yesterday only 6 new cases of coronavirus were detected in the country. The number of people in recovery continues to increase: there are already 850 of them and 587 of the sick.

“There are currently 105 people in the hospital, 12 in resuscitation, 5 people in artificial lung ventilation, 41 people with oxygen therapy,” R. Lingien reported.

He added that before the press conference, information had been received about another death of a person treated for coronavirus in the Department of Internal Medicine of the Vilnius Clinical Hospital.

Previously, it was reported that two rooms of the Antaviliai coronavirus medical internship died in the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital.

According to R. Lingienė, the information in this regard was received only orally, these cases will be included in the statistics only the next day.

Key information about coronavirus

Coronavirus is a virus with a new structure that has never caused human infections before. Its main symptoms are similar to those of the flu: fever, cough, shortness of breath and other respiratory problems. In more severe cases, coronaviruses cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, or death.

There is no specific treatment for the new coronavirus infection, only symptomatic treatment. Patients can be completely cured, depending on their condition and when treatment is started.

To avoid coronavirus, it is recommended to follow the general rules of hygiene: wash your hands with warm soapy water, disinfect your hands, sneeze and label the cough, ventilate the facilities at least 2-3 times a day, clean daily the surfaces of frequent use in the room (for example, night clubs). tables, bed frames and other bedroom furniture), wear protective gear, avoid meetings, stay at least 2 meters away from other people.

In case of suspected coronavirus, the following are considered:

1) a person with an acute respiratory infection (sudden onset of at least one of the following symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath) and has traveled or lived in areas where COVID-19 disease (coronavirus infection) is occurring or spreading in the community during the 14 days prior to the onset of symptoms;

2) a person with symptoms of an acute respiratory infection and who has been in close contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19 disease (coronavirus infection) during the 14 days prior to the onset of symptoms;

3) a person with a severe acute respiratory infection (fever and at least one symptom of respiratory illness: cough, shortness of breath) and who requires hospitalization and no other etiologic cause has been identified to explain these symptoms.
