Veryga: we can see the first good signs


It has only been a week since the quarantine, but its positive results can be observed.

“Last week, we still had an increase in the number of cases and the average percentage of new infections detected per week.

But perhaps a good sign is that growth has no longer been exponential, although both the number of cases and the number of hospital admissions has increased, but it has no longer been exponential, which allows us to be perhaps very reserved to see that the situation changes. stabilizes a bit later this week.

As you know, the figures themselves are at least a week behind the measures taken. But we can see and give the first good signs, “he said.

Only one municipality is not red

Mr. Veryga added that in other countries, unfortunately, the situation remains difficult.

“Virtually all of Europe is red, with the exception of some countries: Iceland, Norway and Finland. In other places, morbidity is high and states are introducing new control measures,” said the interim minister.

He added that despite the fact that the quarantine has been announced throughout Lithuania, all but Neringa are “red” when monitoring the indicators of individual municipalities:

“But that’s only because one of the criteria was not met: the absolute physical number of cases was small.”

Loreta Ašoklienė, the country’s leading epidemiologist, also mentioned in the morning that the situation is stabilizing. According to her, although it remains complex and epidemiologically unfavorable, the increase in cases is no longer as fast as a few weeks ago, when the number of diseases increased almost two or three times a week.

The portal recalls that in the morning the president’s main adviser, Simonas Krėpšta, also noticed visible, albeit small, positive changes.

“Currently, it can be said that the quarantine restrictions are working, the development of the pandemic is slowing down. But to get closer to the normal situation, we still have a lot to do. As for the spread of the virus, we are still in a high point and there is still a long way to go to return to normality. But the virus restrictions work and stop the spread of the virus, “he said after the president’s conversation with the Council of Health Experts.

More than a thousand. cases

In the last day, 1,152 new cases of Covid-19 disease have been confirmed in Lithuania, eight people have died from coronavirus, the Ministry of Health announced this Monday.

Another 3 people died from other causes. A total of 285 people died from coronavirus in Lithuania and 111 people died from other causes.

In Lithuanian hospitals, 1,359 people are treated for COVID-19, 100 of them in resuscitation, 641 patients are treated with oxygen masks and 61 people are treated with artificial lung ventilation.

Since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has infected 35,000 people in the country. 911 people, 27 thousand. 633 people, 7882 – recovered.

The isolation currently contains 100,000. 553 people. As of June 1, 472 import cases had been registered in Lithuania.

On Sunday, 4,458 coronavirus samples were analyzed, bringing the total number of samples tested since the start of the pandemic to 1 million. 187 thousand 674.

317 results were received only in the evening

357 of the cases registered yesterday were in Vilnius County, 184 in Kaunas, 173 in Šiauliai, 156 in Klaipėda, 88 in Marijampolė, 59 in Panevėžys, 48 ​​in Telšiai, 40 in Alytus, 31 in Tauragė and 10 in Utena counties. 9 cases have not yet been assigned to any region of the country due to lack of information. The regions to which to assign these cases will be determined after the epidemiological study.

Of the 1,152 positive test results received on the last day (November 15), 317 entered the system late at night and at night. 835 positive results were obtained during NVSC working hours, of which 507 were interviewed, and the remaining 328 cases that have not been epidemiologically investigated are being investigated today. In addition, today not only the cases of those who entered the system in the late afternoon and evening (317) are being investigated, but also the cases received today.

Shoots were recorded in shoots on the last day

The cases registered during the last day are related to outbreaks in companies and institutions: AB Orlen Retail Lietuva in Kryžkalnis, Adakavas social home, Aukštelkė social home, Dūseikiai social home, Jonava hospital, K. Grinius nursing and supportive care hospital, Kaunas GMP, Kiduliai Basic School, LSMU Kaunas Clinics, Mažeikiai Hospital, National Payment Agency in Tauragė, Stonaičiai Social Welfare House, Šiauliai District. PSPC, Svencionys d. Hospital, Utena Hospital, State Border Guard Service, Vilnius Airport, Progymnasium Vilnius Sietuva.

The NVSC recalls that those who have been confirmed as positive by PCR (nasopharyngeal swab), that is, coronavirus, must be isolated immediately without waiting for a call from NVSC specialists, and must inform those with whom they have been in contact Recently. about potential risks.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

Your doctor will tell you how to use the mask:
