Veryga: The work of the Seimas must be suspended


As A. Veryga wrote on his Facebook account, the new rulers showed a “record of anti-conscience” and although new cases of Covid-19 were identified in the Seimas, many parliamentarians acted irresponsibly.

While everyone attacked R. Šalaševičiūtė and asked him about his two negative tests and if he really violated any procedures, the new rulers set a new record for anti-conscience. Looking at the results, this probably outpaced even the harshest skeptics in the world. coronavirus, even they wouldn’t have.

After celebrating their victories wonderfully, having fun together, and communicating with a sick person, they managed to hide it from other Seimas members and attended Seimas sessions as calmly as possible. And how is it that such important things happen?

After all, it is necessary to deprive the opposition of its rights and distribute the posts in such a way that only someone from the remaining opposition does not disturb issues and agreements later. Now it is difficult to understand who was communicating with whom, because yesterday the NVSC representatives, who wanted to investigate the head of the Seimas in detail, reported that nobody is in a hurry to communicate because they don’t have time !!!

When new cases of infection simply arrive every day, it is more than clear that the outbreak broke out in the Liberal Movement. Unfortunately, there was no responsibility from them. They continued to attend meetings, communicate bravely, and put the health of other Seimas colleagues at risk. He also managed to communicate with the presidents of Lithuania and Poland. It is a true “example” of responsibility, the acting minister wrote.

A. Veryga added that at present it is necessary to suspend the work of the Seimas for at least a few weeks.

“It just came to our attention then. That is why I appeal to the rulers.

Dear Ones, You are the power of the Seimas and must take immediate action: suspend the work of the Seimas for at least a couple of weeks. The non-adoption of resolutions, the non-friendship with X parliamentary groups or the division of positions is now a priority. The priority now is the pause. It is possible to control the fireplace in two weeks. All you need is will and responsibility.

Otherwise, we will risk the lives of those at risk who work at the Seimas and the health of others.

Don’t start your job by turning the Seimas into a flaming coronavirus. Stop, cooperate with NVSC and honestly isolate yourself! ”Warned A. Veryga.

The news portal recalls that the president of the Seimas V. Čmilytė-Nielsen announced on Thursday night that he had been confirmed a coronavirus. The head of parliament says she doesn’t feel any symptoms.

“My colleagues in the group have received negative responses, but I join the ranks of the sick. Like all this week, today I do not feel any symptoms, “wrote the head of parliament on Facebook.

Debates on the work of parliament have recently been held in the Seimas during the Seimas sessions, despite the fact that the virus has been approved by several parliamentarians.

The first vice president of the Seimas Jurgis Razma BNS stated that he was ready to replace the head of parliament if necessary.

Mr. Razma said that he did not have close contact with the president of the Seimas and did not yet know how many members of the Seimas would have to isolate themselves.

“Now the question may arise of how much communication we have had with the President, there has not been long communication, I will run fast, I will ask, with masks, everything according to the requirements. I hope I do not get a positive result, I will probably have to do them, think, see if there were closer contacts, but it seems to me that there were not, “Baz told Razma.

On Thursday, it was also reported that National Defense Minister Raimundas Karoblis was infected with COVID-19. He recently returned from a business trip to the United States.

To date, the coronavirus has been confirmed in Lithuania in more than 40,000 cases. people, 341 people died from the disease.
