Veryga: The news of the destruction of mobile points is a lie


“We are in a very difficult situation, we definitely have an exponential increase in cases. And there is no doubt that it is very similar across the EU. About half of all new coronavirus cases in the world are now detected in the so-called old continent. This situation is very complicated.

If until now there were doubts that the virus would return, whether it was real or not, now it should not be like that, “he said.

We invite you to see the recording of the live broadcast:

Call unbelievers to lie

At the same time, the minister denied public speeches that it was planned to destroy the mobile points.

“I want to say and emphasize that this is a lie, wrong information has been spread. This information is misinterpreted. I don’t know what its purpose is. I just want to remind you that the elections are over, the government is elected and there is no need to spread the word about those things and work for the public.

Nobody is going to destroy the mobile points. It is preparing to provide additional opportunities, as not all patients live in metropolitan areas where there are mobile points. They also need to investigate and it is not easy to travel to the mobile points ”, explained the minister.

He stressed that the virus is spreading in Lithuania and would be an additional way of caring for patients.

Fixed 5 kills

The National Center for Public Health (NVSC) reports that 413 cases of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) were confirmed in Lithuania last day. 5 deaths were also reported, and one person died from other causes.

A total of 11 thousand people in Lithuania were infected with the coronavirus. 362 people, 6844 – still sick, 4329 – recovered.

A total of 141 people died from COVID-19 and 48 from other causes.

There are currently 27,000 in isolation. 714 people. As of June 1, 391 import cases had been registered in Lithuania.

9,390 suspected coronavirus samples were analyzed during the previous day. So far a total of 964 thousand have been investigated. 352 samples.

The army was used

108 of the new cases were registered in Vilnius, 104 in Kaunas, 90 in Šiauliai, 52 in Klaipėda, 15 in Panevėžys counties. A further 12 cases were recorded in Telšiai and Tauragė, 10 in Marijampolė, 9 in Alytus and 1 in Utena counties.

Since Saturday, with the help of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, epidemiological diagnoses have been carried out faster. Additionally, additional army and volunteer trainings are taking place throughout this week to involve more people in the epidemiological diagnostic process. Capacity building will allow even faster case investigations, which is crucial to controlling the spread of COVID-19.

Of all the cases confirmed yesterday, 319 cases have been epidemiologically diagnosed. Of these cases, the vast majority, 253, were reported in people who became infected after contact with people confirmed by coronavirus. At that time, the circumstances of the infection of 66 people are not clear, i. and Epidemiological studies have shown that people did not travel abroad and did not interact with confirmed COVID-19 cases.

Mobile point (photo

Shoots were recorded in shoots on the last day

Outbreak-related cases at RIO Sports Arena, Kaunas University of Technology Engineering Lyceum, Vilkija Kindergarten-Daigelis Kindergarten, as well as K Lightdainiai Light Gymnasium, etc., were recorded in Kaunas County the last day.

Outbreaks continue to spread to entertainment venues in Vilnius county; the recorded cases are associated with outbreaks in the dance studio “Spindulys”, at the Capital Basketball School, in the Belcanto Choir of the Vilnius Cathedral Youth Choir. Outbreak-related cases were also recorded at the Santara Clinic, the Vilnius Republican University Hospital and the Vilnius Republican Psychiatric Hospital.

In Šiauliai County, outbreak-related cases were reported in Kelmė District Lioliai Welfare Home, Joniškis GMP, Kelmė Hospital, Šiauliai Republican Hospital.

In Klaipėda County, outbreak-related cases were reported in the rural community of Grūšlaukė, the Klaipėda Vėtrungė gym and the Republican hospital in Klaipėda last day.

Outbreak-related cases have been reported in Panevėžys county, as well as in the Energijos Skirstymo Operatorius company.

Cases registered in Marijampolė County, according to epidemiologists, related to outbreaks in the Kalvarija Municipality Administration, Kazlų Rūda Social Support Center, Marijampolė Social Assistance Center.

In Tauragė County, 5 cases related to the outbreak were reported at Jurbarkas Hospital on the last day. All people are employees of this institution.


There are 5 more deaths from coronavirus in Lithuania

NVSC reports that information on 5 coronavirus deaths was received from medical institutions last day in Kaunas, Marijampolė, Klaipėda, Šiauliai and Tauragė counties. Currently, the infection has claimed 141 lives.

The first case of death was registered in Kaunas County. The person belonged to the age group 80-89, had chronic diseases. The coronavirus was confirmed in one person on October 25.

The second case of death was registered in Marijampolė County: the deceased belonged to the age group of 50 to 59 years, the coronavirus was confirmed on October 22.

The third case of death was registered in Klaipėda County: the person belonged to the 50-59 age group and had comorbidities. The coronavirus was confirmed in one person on October 19.

The fourth case of death was registered in Šiauliai county. The deceased belonged to the age group 60 to 69 years and suffered from chronic diseases. The coronavirus was confirmed in one person on October 14.

The fifth case of death was in Tauragė County. The deceased belonged to the age group 60 to 69 years and suffered from chronic diseases. The coronavirus was confirmed in one person on October 16.

In addition, yesterday in Šiauliai county a case of death was confirmed, when those infected with coronavirus died for other reasons.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

342 people are treated in hospitals for COVID-19, 32 of whom are in resuscitation

According to the data, 133 patients are treated in Lithuanian hospitals for COVID-19, 32 of them in resuscitation, 133 patients are treated with oxygen masks and another 15 people are treated with artificial lung ventilation.

A total of 11 thousand people in Lithuania were infected with the coronavirus. 362 people, 6844 – still sick, 4329 – recovered.

Of the almost 17.3 thousand. more than 10.4 thousand of all hospital beds are currently occupied. Resuscitation beds are occupied by just over half: 368 of the 656 existing.

Of the 597 beds with artificial pulmonary ventilation, 196 are occupied, of the 6.2 thousand. oxygen beds occupied about 2,000.

A total of 141 people died from COVID-19 and 48 from other causes.

Images from the Covid-19 study – video report:
