Veryga says Lithuania was late with vaccination: spoons in the afternoon


The goal set by President Gitanas Nausėda to vaccinate 70 percent of the country’s adult population by July 6 has not been achieved. But now that number has already been reached.

Veryga said that the figure had been reached too late, but that it was not possible to give up now either.

“It just came to our attention then. And looking at the numbers, how many new cases are detected per day, we had significantly fewer at the same time last year. This means the virus has spread, a new strain has spread, has fulfilled its function. We are also seeing a growing number of hospitals. That means that we are a little late. But this does not mean that we do not have to continue working, “the politician explained.

Former Health Minister A. Veryga said that the initial hypothesis is that vaccination against the coronavirus in 70 percent of adults in the country will achieve group immunity and the virus will no longer have enough masses for people to spread.

“But now it is clear that even vaccinated people can get infected. Yes, a few, or a dozen, or a dozen times less, but they can infect another group of people. And that many people is enough for the virus to spread. spread in society. And now epidemiologists speak of 90 percent. What I really would not believe is the truth, “he said.

According to the member of the Seimas, knowing what part of society is skeptical or categorically hostile to vaccines, that number should not be expected.

When asked who is to blame for the 70 percent figure being reached too late, A. Veryga assured that there is never a single culprit.

“It just came to our attention then. There are also certain responsibilities of people who have been entrusted with certain theories that are not based on science. And perhaps those theories will convince one person or another. But there are certainly a lot of government responsibilities here. Because many different options were offered, which could have been adapted to make it more convenient for people to get vaccinated, both at the family doctor and in pharmacies ”, A. Veryga mentioned possible additional measures.

Aurelijus Veryga

Aurelijus Veryga

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

The politician said colleagues from the non-vaccine factions were also trying to persuade them to respond to their arguments.

“It is known that all people, whether they are members of the Seimas or simply citizens, can have a skeptical opinion. And we all have to feel responsible, no matter where we are: in the faction, in the hospital, in the school,” he explained.

He acknowledged that he was sometimes ashamed of certain statements from colleagues in the group.

“I am a little disappointed that people do not trust my arguments,” said the politician.

Veryga said that the Opportunity Passport was not the best solution.

“And what the government did with such a coercive measure, which leaves few options for the individual, could have been achieved in other ways without creating tension in society. For example, the same communication invites people to get vaccinated, ”said A. Veryga.

He assured that summer was a time of indulgence, that the clergy could call the elders.

“It just came to our knowledge then. A more whip-like principle was chosen. And the same Opportunity Passport is relevant for a young person. That goes to the bar, to the cinema, where there is more entertainment. And it is less relevant for older people.” , – Former Minister of Health A. Veryga presented his position to LNK.

The Seimas member explained that in his opinion, the Opportunity Passport is not an adequate tool, which only causes many tensions and “does not solve the problem.”

“It just came to our knowledge then. The young people who want to go to the bar, to another place, they moved. There will be some effect of this type, but the main risk groups will not be reached with the Passport of Opportunities. And that intimidation, I think, it is an even less influential measure for people who fear for their lives, perhaps irrationally, without realizing the real risk of the coronavirus.

It is very difficult to scare them with any paper or your requirement. There are other measures that affect people who are more emotionally tired. But now the screams are in the afternoon. And if I had to change something when I myself defend the rulers and see the state of mind of the society, it would be very difficult to think about how to change the attitudes of those people now.

Because we see that now the discussion does not come out, neither side listens to it, does not even want to hear it. Here, as the third stage of drunkenness, when everyone talks, but no one hears or hears anything ”, A. Veryga illustrated the current situation of society with such examples.
