Veryga said when the local quarantine would be announced


The spread in some municipalities is enormous compared to other months. The “hottest” coronavirus outbreaks are recorded: Raseiniai, Radviliškis, Šiauliai.

And although Nemenčinė was closed after the outbreak was registered in a single company, similar measures are not considered in this case.

“It is not yet considered, because although the chimneys are widespread, they are clear enough, clear and scattered, so there is no need to declare quarantine. Even more so when municipalities are implementing those measures that they can and should implement without quarantine; I have already talked about the events, their limitation, both distance education and other measures.

Of course, there can be such things, but the publication of the local quarantine measures would require the recommendation of the NVSC and a joint request from the municipal administration to the Ministry for such a quarantine to be announced. So far, we do not have such a recommendation from specialists in any of the municipalities, ”said A. Veryga.

Roland Lingienė

The portal recalls that Rolanda Lingienė, head of the Vilnius department of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), has stated that the new disease outbreaks can be described as the second wave of coronavirus.

In his statements to the minister, the specialist stressed that, according to the data this morning, he did not inform his colleagues about the need to publish the local quarantine.

“According to all of us, the most difficult situation is in the Raseiniai district, because the virus has spread to many institutions, companies and organizations. But the people who had contact have been identified and isolated, so no such need to initiate quarantine has been expressed, ”said R. Lingienė.

Avoid the massive shows, work remotely

At the same time, the head of the SAM called on the municipalities to evaluate the situation in their territory.

“It would be worth considering whether it would not be worth giving up massive events where it is really impossible to register participants and track their presence. Because in case of infection, in case of fire, it would not be possible to identify possible contacts.

Knowing that the number of infected is growing day by day, I would suggest that municipalities reconsider the possibility of canceling or postponing this type of event ”, stressed A. Veryga.

The NVSC department head stressed that the cases in Raseiniai and Šiauliai are partially related. This, according to her, is natural, because these cities are separated only by a few tens of kilometers, the movement, the contact of people between these cities is obviously there.

“We see that people who work in one or another Raseiniai company, where cases were recorded, visited friends in Šiauliai, and Šiauliai officials visited colleagues in Raseiniai. These active social contacts are currently of great concern and we now strongly urge all colleagues to minimize them, ”said the epidemiologist, urging workers in these regions to work from home whenever possible.

Identified violations

At the same time, the NVSC specialist confirmed that the outbreaks in hospitals were due to non-compliance with certain requirements.

“In Radviliškis, Šiauliai and Raseiniai hospitals, certain violations of the requirements for infection control and staff team training were identified. I cannot say in detail because the investigation is still ongoing.

The main irregularities preventing the continued operation of the sanitary facilities have been remedied very quickly. But additional controls will be carried out and they will be informed about it, ”he reported during the conference.

According to R. Lingienė, 478 doctors have been diagnosed since the beginning of the pandemic, and 117 are currently sick. During September, 94 cases of coronavirus were diagnosed in health institutions.

No need to panic

When asked how he would react to the fact that despite the increasing number of illnesses, some people are not taking it seriously, the minister assured that there was really no need to panic.

“It’s great that people don’t panic because panic is the least they want. Panic usually means that the response is inadequate and there is a lot of confusion, and most often those who panic feel overwhelmed.

You just have to be aware, cautious, listen to the experts, apply the measures that are important: wear masks, keep your distance, observe hand hygiene, avoid meetings, ”the Minister emphasized.

Sick jump

The National Public Health Center (NVSC) reports that 138 cases of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) were confirmed in Lithuania last day. 60 of them were registered in Šiauliai, 37 in Kaunas, 33 in Vilnius, 5 in Panevėžys, 2 in Marijampolė and 1 in Utena counties.

After contact with patients, according to epidemiologists, 113 people became infected. The specialists could not determine the circumstances of the infection in 24 people. In addition, a case of importation from Austria was registered in Vilnius county during the previous day.

93 cases are associated with chimneys

28 cases confirmed yesterday are related to Radviliškis Hospital, of which 22 are patients, 4 employees and 2 secondary contacts, that is, non-employees and non-patients. A total of 102 cases were associated with the outbreak this morning: 59 patients, 36 staff, and 7 secondary cases.

Yesterday 5 cases were linked to the Šiauliai Republican Hospital. All individuals are employees. There are currently a total of 19 cases associated with the outbreak, with 12 employees and 7 patients.

Another 2 cases in Šiauliai are connected with the Šiauliai ambulance station (GMP). Both individuals are employees. Currently a total of 4 related cases are registered.

In addition, 2 cases registered yesterday are related to the Šiauliai “Swallow” kindergarten. One person is an employee and the other is a child. A total of 4 related cases were recorded, including those confirmed yesterday.

Two new cases are also related to the outbreak among Šiauliai law enforcement officers. It is estimated that a total of 14 cases are already involved.

In addition, a new fireplace is being registered at AB Rūta in Šiauliai. Yesterday the illness was confirmed to 2 employees and 1 related person. A total of 4 related cases of COVID-19 were reported.

6 of the cases registered yesterday are related to the fireplace in the Blinstrubiškės welfare home operating in the Raseiniai district. COVID-19 was approved for 5 wards and 1 employee. There are currently a total of 8 related cases registered.

In addition, 3 cases are related to the Raseiniai Hospital. Individuals are employees. A total of 17 related cases were registered.

4 cases registered yesterday are related to the municipality of Raseiniai (15 related cases in total), another 4 – with the company Raseinių prekyba (6 cases in total), 2 – with a kindergarten in operation in Viduklė (4 cases in total ).

In addition, a new fireplace has been registered, associated with the Raseiniai “Šatrijos” choir. This is the second disease. The choir identified 36 exposed people.

Two illnesses were reported in Kaunas for Kaunas K. Grinius Progymnasium students (7 related cases in total) and for 2 Kaunas Eruditas Lyceum students.

The cases registered in Vilnius yesterday 8 are related to the dance studio City Dance. The outbreak is estimated to be associated with 25 cases of coronavirus. NVSC is actively working with the dance studio management, discussing various preventative measures and more.

2 more cases in Vilnius county are connected to the fireplace in the GymPlius sports club. 20 outbreaks are now associated with this outbreak. NVSC specialists provided the company with recommendations for reducing the number of people in group trainings or abandoning them altogether.

At that time, another 8, confirmed yesterday, were associated with the “Lietuva” ensemble. All individuals are its members. A total of 14 related cases have already been recorded, including those confirmed yesterday. Today, NVSC will conduct remote training for suite personnel, as well as preventive tests (5 days after last contact).

Case 1 is related to the Juodupė gymnasium in the Rokiškis district. The coronavirus was confirmed to a worker who was in isolation due to exposure. A total of 4 related cases were registered.

In addition, another 20 people, according to epidemiologists, became infected after contact with people who were confirmed to have coronavirus, but the cases are not classified as sources of infection based on currently available data.

The circumstances of the infection of 24 people are unclear.

At this time, epidemiologists have not yet been able to determine how 24 people were infected. Epidemiological studies have shown that people did not travel abroad and did not interact with confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Specialists examine the routes of these infections, so statistics may still change if links are found between individual cases.

NVSC reports that a total of 4070 cases of the COVID-19 disease have been confirmed in Lithuania, 1709 people are still ill, 2253 have recovered.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .
