Veryga proposes to advance the right of pharmacists to vaccinate the population


It is proposed to advance as far as possible the entry into force of the provisions of the aforementioned legal acts that regulate the practice of personal health care of a biomedical technologist, medical biologist, geneticist and advanced pharmacist (currently the date is the May 1, 2021).

This, according to A. Veryga, the Minister of Health presenting the projects, would guarantee the uninterrupted and timely provision of services such as adult vaccination. Pharmacists in advanced practices, if the amendments are adopted, could begin vaccinating the population with influenza and tick-borne encephalitis vaccines earlier in pharmacies. According to A. Veryga, it would not be an obligation: vaccination can only be carried out by pharmacies that are ready.

“When the COVID vaccine reaches Lithuania, we will need to vaccinate a large population and do it as quickly as possible. This will be complementary to the work already done by GPs and personal health facilities. (….). If such a decision were made, patients who were prepared could also vaccinate COVID patients. It would be another additional channel that would slightly reduce the burden on personal health care institutions and allow a larger and faster vaccination against coronavirus infection ”, said A. Veryga during the presentation.

After the presentation, the projects were approved by 57 members of the Seimas, none voted against, two deputies abstained. The Health Committee has been appointed to focus on these issues. November 5 the projects should return to the Seimas.

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