Veryga officially addressed the rulers: it is necessary to suspend the work of the Seimas without exceptions


“I have signed an official appeal to the leadership of the Seimas and the leaders of the ruling parties, in which I offered the help of our Ministry of Health and the NVSC to control the spread of the coronavirus infection in the Seimas,” said A. Veryga at a press conference.
According to him, currently the Seimas is one of the sources of the spread of the coronavirus in Lithuania.

“The situation that is currently in the Seimas can be unequivocally called a chimney that expands every day,” he said.
According to A. Veryga, acting Minister of Health, emphasized in his speech to the ruling that measures must be taken immediately to control this chimney. According to him, in principle, the only way is to end the work of the Seimas.

“It is recommended to suspend the work of the Seimas for at least a couple of weeks without exceptions,” he said, emphasizing that the ruling speaks of using additional measures to guarantee the safety of parliamentarians or amending the statute of the Seimas establishing teleworking is not the reply.
“One should not speculate about teleworking or similar things, which have yet to be adopted at the Seimas. It would take time. The Seimas cannot organize plenary sessions and other work for a couple of weeks. Because the most important thing now should be the isolation of those who have coronavirus and that they have been in contact with them during the entire incubation period of the virus ”, emphasized A. Veryga.

When it became clear that Seimas spokesperson Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen had been infected with the coronavirus, A. Veryga also proposed to suspend Seimas work for at least a couple of weeks on Thursday night.

“It is not a priority to make resolutions, not to make friends with X parliamentary groups or share publications. The priority now is the pause. It is possible to control the fireplace in two weeks. All you need is will and responsibility, ”wrote A. Veryga on Facebook.

The acting minister also criticized the rulers for what he said was irresponsible behavior when receiving high-ranking guests.

“Knowing that the disease is spreading, that a large number of people had contacts that were avoided, both the Lithuanian and Polish presidents were invited to parliament, which is very irresponsible behavior. Not only in Lithuania, but also in the international context, “said A. Veryga.

Next week, the Seimas, as planned, will meet in plenary sessions, but the parliamentarians will be regularly evaluated to protect themselves against the coronavirus infection.

This is what Seimas Vice President Andrius Mazuronis told Eltai, commenting on the informal meeting of the Seimas Board held on Friday.

Seimas spokesperson Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen announced the COVID-19 illness on Thursday night. Several politicians belonging to the Liberal Group have also been infected with the coronavirus.

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