Veryga: New parking restrictions are being prepared


According to Mr Veryga, decisions to regulate the number of car parks may not apply to smaller dealers.

“I hope there are problems [dėl automobilių statymo daugiabučių kiemuose, – aut. past.] it will not. But there are still discussions with the Association of Business Enterprises about the small outlets. There may even be some adjustments.

This measure emerged quickly, although it was discussed with associations, but perhaps not all risks were self-assessed. And with regard to large supermarkets, I do not think there should be any problem, “he said this Tuesday at Seimas.

A tight decision on small shops could be made at a government meeting on Wednesday.

There are many technical solutions

The portal recalls that the new restrictions stipulate that parking lots near stores, supermarkets, markets and other public shopping places cannot fill more than 20 percent. all parking spaces for vehicles, excluding parking spaces for staff and vehicles for the disabled.

A. Veryga assured that there are technical solutions for the implementation of this instruction.

“Technical solutions can be complex and simple. In some places, there are automatic flaps that scan numbers. Apparently, it is possible to program how many cars to let in and how many to leave.

Another solution is to simply block that part of the parking lot, the proportion that cannot be used, and leave the spaces only where the car can be parked.

And the third, to my knowledge, a shopping mall in Vilnius physically put second place into play and you can’t park there. So you can find a variety of solutions, “he said.

The minister emphasized that the responsibility for implementing the requirements rests with the merchants, not the people themselves. According to the minister, they may lack conscience and therefore need clear regulation.

“Folks, I’m afraid it won’t deliver if we tell you to bet every fifth place. Getting to the field will tell you why I have to be the one to bet every five and not the one behind me. We cannot expect such a high level of awareness, merchants or owners who manage these parking lots must take care that it is not possible to park cars there, “said the outgoing minister.

The government has also decided that it is necessary to increase the commercial space required per buyer. In smaller stores with an area of ​​up to 10 thousand. kv. m, it will have to be 15 square kilometers. m, and in greater – 30 square meters. meter.

In addition, as of Wednesday another recommendation comes into force: increase the number of cash registers in operation so that there are no more than 5 people in line and establish a longer time for stores to do so.

At that time, buyers are advised to visit the stores one by one without other family members.
