Veryga has named who will get vaccinated against COVID-19 first


The vaccination process in the municipal personal care institutions (ASPI) has been coordinated by the municipal administrations.

They must appoint a municipal vaccination coordinator, that is, a municipal doctor or another member of the administrative staff, who will coordinate the vaccination process in the municipality, as well as the organizers of the ASPI, will ensure the smooth vaccination of priority groups and will cooperate with the Ministry of Health (SAM).

It is indicated that the coordinator will be able to do it within 120 hours. vaccinate the population of the municipality belonging to the priority groups from the delivery of the vaccine with the total consumption of at least 1 package of 975 doses of COVID-19 vaccine.

What to vaccinate first?

The priority groups to be vaccinated against COVD-19 are: patients in personal health care institutions that provide nursing care and support, and residents of inpatient social care institutions.

In addition, employees of personal health care institutions providing nursing and supportive care services and employees of social service institutions.

High-risk healthcare workers are also identified as a priority. Their functions and tasks are related to the possible exposure to aerosols infected by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (procedures that generate aerosols in patients with COVID-19, such as tracheal intubation, non-invasive pulmonary ventilation, tracheostomy, bronchoscopy, COVI, spiropsy , autopsy). 19 patients with the disease in small, poorly ventilated rooms, etc.).

High-risk healthcare workers are defined when their functions and tasks are associated with a high probability of contact with persons suspected or suspected of having COVID-19 (for example, transportation of listed persons, their care, dental services ).


Medium-risk healthcare workers: The functions and tasks performed involve frequent and / or close contact with the general public, but do not require contact with people diagnosed or suspected of having COVID-19, including workplaces in ASPI where it is difficult to maintain a safe distance, frequent contacts with other staff members (for example, inpatient and outpatient contact services for patients without signs of infectious diseases, medical rehabilitation).

Low Risk Health System Personnel: Required functions and tasks require minimal professional contact with colleagues, working away from other personnel, and providing remote healthcare services, including pharmacy personnel.

Along with the vaccine, it would be queued for those over 65. older people, people with chronic diseases. SAM will provide data on people with chronic diseases for municipalities

Health system employees are understood to be all employees of personal health institutions and public health institutions, regardless of their profession or obligations.

The minister later added that other people will be vaccinated when more vaccines become available.

“Only later, when the vaccines get enough for everyone, then the vaccines are started for other people who are younger, have no diseases,” the minister said at a press conference on Monday.

He said he couldn’t say when the vaccination might start.

“It all depends on when the vaccine arrives and how long it will arrive,” Veryga said.

Delivery is the least problem

R. Veryga has warned even earlier that delivery and storage of the vaccine itself will be the least of the problems. According to him, inviting people to get vaccinated and managing their flows can become a much bigger challenge.

“This is not the first vaccine that Lithuania brings, stores and distributes to medical institutions. There really is no need to make it an event. As I mentioned, the biggest problem will be if a lot of vaccines arrive, suddenly calling a large number of people and ensure logistics.

Regarding the action plan, I mentioned that it confirms what the institutions have to do, buy, reconcile, some of those measures may already be implemented, some are currently being implemented, I also mentioned the description, it is being finalized and should be published. There it will be possible to see more details ”, said A. Veryga.


More than a thousand new cases

Last day 1,386 new cases of coronavirus were confirmed in Lithuania, 11 people died from COVID-19, the Department of Statistics reported on Monday.

39 people recovered last day.

Since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has infected 76,000 people in the country. 36 people, 44 thousand. 625 – still sick, 30 thousand. 449 – recovered.

A total of 637 people died from coronavirus in Lithuania and 326 people died from other causes.

During the previous day, 4,582 samples were tested for suspected coronavirus, bringing the total number of samples tested since the start of the pandemic to 1 million. 334 thousand 308.
