Veryga: government does not necessarily have to follow criteria to quarantine


The Minister also reports that so far only one indicator does not meet the established criteria; according to data from May 29, there is still an excessive percentage of COVID-19 cases in the country, which is not related to localized and controlled coronavirus outbreaks.

“I would like to remind you that the criteria are indicative. It does not necessarily mean that the government should follow them. They are simply there to monitor, evaluate the situation and see the direction in which we are moving,” said the Minister.

“Decisions can be such that even if all criteria are not met, quarantine can be waived. And if there were unfavorable international circumstances, even if these criteria were met, quarantine could theoretically continue,” said A. Veryga, explaining the circumstances in which the Government might not follow the criteria.

The Minister of Health reports that so far one of the problematic criteria is the criterion that at least 90 percent of new cases of COVID-19 detected per week are related to localized and controlled outbreaks.

“By adopting these criteria, it was 95.1, and on May 29 – 85.19. This means that more cases of non-localized outbreaks have been identified. This is the only criterion that has deteriorated during the week,” the minister reported.

However, according to the data available to the Minister of Health, the other three criteria on the basis of which the quarantine situation in Lithuania could be revoked are positive.

According to A. Veryga, the total incidence of COVID-19 is 100,000. The population, which must not increase within 14 days of the criteria approval date, must be May 29. reached 5.3. According to the Minister, this criterion is still met, since it was 5.9 at the time of the approval of the criteria.

The Minister of Health reports that the proportion of new positive cases diagnosed on average per week does not exceed 0.5% compared to all the studies carried out. According to A. Veryga, at the time the criteria was approved, it was 0.22 percent, and on May 29, it decreased to 0.16 percent.

Mr. Veryga also stated that the criterion of not introducing more than 5 cases of COVID-19 per week should be met. According to the minister, according to data from May 22 and data from May 29, four cases of imported coronaviruses were detected during the week.

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