Veryga explained why now is the best time for students to return to school


“Each launch is a risk, and it is not for nothing that there is time to simply assess the situation. And it will still be necessary to return one day, and the children will not sit at home forever, they must also study,” said A. Veryga in a press conference held in Seimas on Thursday.

The Minister of Health recalls that the return to educational institutions is planned with the possibility that some children will extend the educational process remotely, therefore, according to him, not all children will return to schools at the same time. However, A. Veryga emphasizes that it will be necessary to learn to live in a changed reality, and the best time to return to educational institutions, he said, is now, when the spread of the coronavirus has been minimized.

“Now that the spread of the disease is low, the time is right to test such measures.” If there really is, as some people predict, we’ll get some additional waves in the fall, then it’s probably not time to learn and try something as a tool, “said A. Veryga.

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