Veryga does not want to release commanders after quarantine: she has listed the restrictions she will try to abandon


On June 16, the Government’s Emergency Situations Commission (WESC), which met on Monday, proposed to the Government to end the quarantine. He stated that, although two of the four criteria for ending the quarantine had not yet been met, the availability of the health system and the operation of the management mechanism made it possible.

However, this will be formally decided by the COVID-19 Committee and the Government.

“A proposal has already been presented to lift the quarantine since June 17. It is proposed to leave a little control and supervision of the movement. Leave the criterion: 25 cases per 100,000. Live in the last 14 days, to avoid the entry of these countries (where that criterion is exceeded), the requirements for massive events, the organization of the work of health care institutions and compliance with the recommendations of the operations manager in public places remain, ”said A. Veryga.

Opposes efforts to accelerate launch of indoor events

The Ministry of Health is not in favor of increasing the number of people allowed in massive indoor events.

“We can discuss a moderate increase (in the number of participants allowed in the events) in the open space. But inside, we see what is happening and you hear stories about people gathering for the holidays. (…)

This is not a work environment where we constantly communicate. These are random people who come, and the risk is high, so we do not admit the increase. We offer to follow the agreed plan for closed events, “said A. Veryga.

They don’t want to “run” cafes at all

The Minister of Health is also opposed to the idea of ​​allowing cafes and bars to operate as much as they want.

“Until now, there is a discussion, but we also suggest following the principle: not to run night bars.” I don’t think any owner, no matter what they are talking about, can’t imagine how they would go there and scream with relaxed, stunned and intoxicated people. It is a provocation of conflict, and it is unlikely to be worth it.

Do you really need that? Especially since it is now summer, there are complete spaces where people can stay outside. Cities have adapted. It is unlikely that everyone is confined to a room where no one meets the requirements and that someone does something, “said A. Veryga.

Under current rules, cafes can be open until 11 p.m. SAM suggests keeping that. There are no longer restrictions on the number of people at a table.

There will be no special restrictions on the beaches.

According to the Minister of Health, there will be no special restrictions on the beaches. However, the minister recommends acting wisely and keeping physical distance from strangers.

“The beach is an open space, if people do not have close contact, if you follow the recommendations not to attack strangers, greet, hug, kiss, it is not a big problem.” Outdoors, outdoors, it is difficult to get infected, especially in hot summer and surviving the virus itself is not very easy.

There are no big risks, but people must understand that no matter what we are talking about, be it a beach or some other place, if that person is not a family member, not a co-worker, there is no need to attack him, hug him, kiss him. We should be careful, “said A. Veryga.

It is not planned to determine any physical distance between vacationers on the beaches.

“And who will measure those distances on the beaches? You can set a requirement that is realistic to implement, ”said A. Veryga.

The use of masks on buses and trolleybuses is still being discussed.

When asked if the mask would still have to be used on trolleybuses after the quarantine was lifted, the minister replied that there was still discussion as to whether there would be an obligation to do so or whether it would remain a recommendation.

“It would be nice to be in a closed space with a mask. When we interact with people who are not family members, there are no coworkers, it is logical to wear a mask. It would be good for us to continue Asian practices at least until the fall, even if people were under no obligation to understand. As there are sick people, every day someone goes out, drives. Mask, hand wash, don’t put them close to the eyes, close to the mouth, that’s a lot, “said A. Veryga.

In medical institutions, the situation moved.

The Health Minister said that after the decision was made that the payment could be restricted to treatment facilities that delay the resumption of scheduled services, the ice cream was moved.

“As we predicted, the institutions are moving very fast, they are trying because nobody wants to lose money and charge for the fact. Because even people, even those diseases where they seem to have to go, even oncology patients, are in no rush to go to medical institutions.

There are those who complain. But what you have to hear from the oncologists themselves is that there is no big siege for people to rush to get services. I think the institutions should be interested in obtaining a stable payment. There is already a negligence on the part of the manager, not presenting a plan in a month and a half. I don’t know what to do there and I think I couldn’t even do that job? Said A. Veryga.

Šarūnas Narbutas, president of the Oncology Patients Association (POLA), said that given the length of the queues, institutions should consider working longer, in two shifts or organizing work in other ways (for example, on weekends ) to reduce queues during the summer.

The minister said that medical institutions could do that.

“Let’s understand what happened, not only because financing was increased, but the institutions had less expenses. If they provided less certain services, they saved on medicines, on tools that they did not have at the time.

I think that from an economic point of view, both of them could pay certain overtime and organize their work. We recommend that you think about working longer so people can come, not at 4 p.m. Outpatient clinic door closed.

Even in terms of cycles, if I didn’t drive the same doctor through five offices, but planted where he consults, and if he worked for a long period, it would be a solution for people. They just need to come to some bigger institution and they will make the most of that help. It all depends on goodwill. If there is more controversy and you are looking for a way not to do it, then nothing happens, ”said A. Veryga.

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