Veryga cut back on conservatives’ criticism of unspent money for medical salaries: they suffer from Alzheimer’s


However, politicians from the ruling Lithuanian Christian National-Democratic Union blame the peasants for stalling the negotiations on the signing of a new treaty, who allegedly did not allocate sufficient funds until 2018 for the implementation of the agreement signed by the Government and the unions. At the time, former health minister Aurelius Veryga diagnoses conservatives with Alzheimer’s disease and claims that conservatives simply cannot find the plans and funds left to them by LVS ministers.

“There was no money, much less money, because every year according to the collective agreement wages had to be increased at the beginning of the year, but one year it was increased in April, the following year, starting on September 1,” said Antanas. Matulas, president of the Health Commission, noting that the peasants have spent funds to increase the salaries of doctors in the fight against COVID-19, which is supposedly the true cause of the disagreements between the medical unions and this government.

“Last year, to overcome the pandemic, practically no additional funds were allocated and more than 400 million were used. The reserve of the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund, which was going to be given to increase medicines and doctors’ salaries, is the beginning of this, ”said the Conservative.

Still, A. Veryga categorized the conservatives’ criticisms in a simple way: LVŽS ministers left sufficient plans and reserves for medical salaries for the current rulers, but the conservatives cannot find what the peasants left them, which is similar to previous health. Minister.

“We just realized that this government was suffering from a disease in which it could find nothing. In total, where they do not go, they find nothing: no plans, no money, no means. When you find something you don’t need, it draws you to kleptomania, and when you find nothing at all, it causes Alzheimer’s,

“For a very short time, the prime minister will be able to blame the former government, July is very close, when the budget will be reviewed and how much the actions will coincide with the speeches and promises to the medical community,” says A. Veryga.

At the committee meeting, the opposition initiated a resolution asking the government to create a labor disputes commission, which should try to talk to unions unhappy with the progress of negotiations on a new agreement. The medical organizations themselves assure that, in the absence of such a commission, they intend to take the only measure within their power, the strike.

The committee did not support this opposition initiative, arguing that Parliament’s participation in negotiations between the government and the unions would violate the confidentiality requirements of the Labor Code. Furthermore, A. Matulas is convinced that the meeting initiated by the opposition and raising the issue of the Government and the union collective agreement is simply a politicization and an attempt to ruin the negotiations. The chairman of the Health Affairs Commission assures that the only union unhappy with the progress of the negotiations is the Lithuanian Medical Union. “Both the Government, the Legal Department and the Ministry of Social Security and Labor have stated that no one in the country can intervene, the negotiations must be carried out only by the Government and the unions, and we must not pressure. This desire to pressure has been seen, but it is obvious that practically 8 or 7 of every 9 unions want and are willing to negotiate and agree, ”said the Conservative, emphasizing that the doctor strikes are supposedly started by opposition politicians.

“Colleague Veryga is one of the initiators who encourages the unions to disagree, begins to intimidate strikes, and that is obvious,” said A. Matulas.

At the time, A. Veryga called those statements by the committee chairman a lie and claims that not only the Doctors Union, but also three other unions approached the opposition peasants with a request to start a committee meeting. The peasant was also caught in allegedly disrespectful statements towards the leader of this union, Liutauras Labanauskas.

“Matulas is lying and very ugly he insults Professor Labanauskas for some crowns that he needs to take out, and that he needs to go to treat the children, and that he is not doing very well. This is, I would say, harassment from a parliamentarian to a doctor who does his job and is a union representative. I believe that this interferes with union activities. It is not Matul’s business who takes care of there ”, assured A. Veryga.

ELTA remembers that in 2018. The collective agreement signed between the Ministry of Health (SAM) and the medical unions was decided not to implement this year, as SAM states that there are not enough funds to increase medical salaries. The ministry itself says the focus is currently on managing the pandemic and that medical pay increases and negotiations on a new contract will be considered in July.

However, the Lithuanian Medical Association claims that negotiations on the signing of a new collective agreement should be completed in the near future, and not by 2022, according to the ministry. According to the union, in order to enter into force a new agreement that would repress an increase in the salaries of doctors, which must be drawn up before the drafting of the state and municipal budget for next year.

Three years ago, the unions that signed the collective agreement of the Lithuanian national health system, which did not receive the salary increase promised this year, filed a claim for labor dispute, which required the Ministry of Health (SAM) to convene a meeting of the matches, but refused. If the parties’ dispute committee is not formed by next Friday, the union representatives promise to declare a strike.
