Veryga calls the situation in Lithuania insane: we only had enough strength for such restrictions for three days.


According to him, so far it is very difficult to evaluate these new restrictions, since it will be possible to do so no earlier than two or three weeks.

“In the past, when the government made decisions, all kinds of restrictions, we also hoped that there would be an effect that would be sufficient and we could talk about something more lenient. Unfortunately, the reality turned out to be completely different, and stagnant growth picked up again. Everything will depend on how those measures are fulfilled. “

Veryga questioned whether the public would actually adhere to the strict quarantine, as restrictions had been adopted that were on the verge of a state of emergency.

“I am referring to the very high restrictions on the movement of the population and I will say what I think will be difficult to implement. These are not about legal matters, but let’s recall as an example, and the prime minister I saw spoke during broadcasts about Easter. She says it will work in a similar way. So during Easter, it was just a long weekend, basically a long Easter weekend, for three days.

But then there were huge forces expelled, mobilized police officers and those working in offices, and people who don’t normally patrol the streets with shooters. So the quarantine was very strict, a lot of people actually sat at home, could afford to go out, help, etc. and it only lasted three days. “

According to the former minister, it is now a matter of a few weeks, which makes it difficult for him to imagine how such a hard effort will be made to achieve it.

“And hope that the public will stick to themselves, don’t be angry, but I don’t think so anymore. Even physically, this is not done even at a time when border controls have been re-established. Not even surrounded by an external border, there is no more barbed wire, it is in the Schengen area, so there are as many roads and highways as you want.

You can go, walk, of course, I will not drive, but if we take such a simple unit, like the staircase of an apartment building, who will build a policeman there? If people decide to go, celebrate, somehow not follow the restrictions, it will definitely be difficult, despite all the demonstrations, if someone is punished. “

Veryga says that the situation in Lithuania is crazy: we only had enough power for such restrictions for three days.

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

According to A. Veryga, there are still people who are punished for wearing the mask incorrectly, for other things, but this does not motivate society much.

“We are truly a nation trained to live in resistance. As it grows in our blood to resist, it is not very important to whom, not to the external enemy, not to the internal government. The worst thing is that not even the increase in numbers and deaths are motivating. There is no longer someone pointing behind the wall, but our loved ones who are actually dying. But that doesn’t impress us. “

When asked how he valued the ban on reuniting with two family farms, the former minister said that it was the psychological and social aspects that were very important to them.

“We appreciate this even after the Presidents’ Council of Health Experts proposal that one household should be restricted instead of two. We collect a great deal of scientific information and our statistics on the rise in loneliness, suicide, and depression. It’s not even international, but our own data, which only shows that the situation, which was not good for us, has only gotten worse. “

Veryga also emphasized that he did not change his mind as much as some of the politicians now in power.

He called the situation insane: some do not fit in hospitals, others in supermarkets

Speaking in the Seimas on Tuesday about the lines of residents in supermarkets, the former minister called the situation insane.

“It’s crazy, I’ve said it more than once. Like schizophrenia, some no longer fit in hospitals, others no longer fit in supermarkets. I can’t call it anything other than crazy. I don’t know what’s here”, A Veryga made no secret of her disappointment at the crowd’s behavior.

When asked whether politicians should unite in the face of a pandemic and refrain from criticizing each other, Veryga said this was nearly impossible.

“It would always seem like it would be worth it, but it is unrealistic to expect the position and the opposition to unite.” To oppose this is to criticize. The most painful thing for me is that they have criticized us for the decisions we are taking now, ”said the former minister.

It is true that A. Veryga also said that when doctors face extremely great challenges, we should not talk about forced labor of medical personnel.

“It just came to our knowledge then. The law allows its application, (…) but until now it has always been possible to find a solution: agree, motivate, persuade. It would be good to continue like this, there would be no need for coercive measures. It is difficult for me to imagine its application. Doctors are not statutory officials, (…) they are used to working differently, “added A. Veryga.
