Veryga broke out after Čaplinskas speeches: his institution is not a private limited company


On Wednesday night, on his Facebook account of the social network, A. Veryga came across the head of ULAC again. The Minister assures that these changes have been needed for a long time, and the institution’s own employees thanked him for this decision.

“Čaplinskas cut”, called it a political offensive, and similar expressions accompany the publications about the former head of Communicable Diseases and AIDC (ULAC) Chaplinskas, who was fired for misconduct and misconduct.

Then the changes that, by the way, have been needed in this institution for a long time begin!

“Thank you for daring,” I have heard words from many former and current ULAC employees. One can only try to imagine the working methods of the head of ULAC so that the staff, instead of talking about problems in the institution, decided to leave it. And even if you leave them alone, they dare to rejoice at the changes in the institution. Maybe it would be interesting for the media to talk to the people who left this institution and talk about a leader who has been considered “irreplaceable” for 30 years? And above all to speak with those who have tried to speak before about the problems of the institution in public ”, writes the minister.

A. Veryga says he is not surprised by S. Čaplinskas’ arguments about why he was fired. There is no doubt that there will be more than one version. The Minister also pointed out that the spouse of the dismissed ULAC chief is also the head of the structural unit.

“I’ll just remind you that I made the first call to this man to resign as manager when he interviewed young journalists during a ministry interview, in what position were they having orgasms. After my call, I received an email from S. Čaplinskas’s wife. a letter with the question “who runs the ministry, me or my girls?” This great family tandem never raised questions. Although the wife of S. Čaplinskas is the head of the structural unit of ULAC. Still, ULAC’s subordination never questioned anyone. Why? You can only guess.

Head of ULAC Saulius Čaplinskas

We have a great tradition: as soon as one of the managers of the health system smells of personal responsibility for the violations, a “chronic long-term illness” begins. It is regrettable that these “patients” are reluctant to take an interest in the authorities, who should ensure that incapacity for work is not abused. Despite the ailments, this “patient” always finds time for interviews or personal appearances on the air, “continues the Minister of Health.

He also decided to tell the full context of the relationship between him and the head of ULAC. Here is the full text of the Minister’s file.

“I just want to tell you the context in which my relationship as minister with the head of my institution developed.

It should be recalled that the Government had made decisions on the reorganization of the institutions dependent on the SAM, including the connection of ULAC to the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) criticized by S. Čaplinskas. The Ministry of Health (SAM) has been instructed and empowered to implement these decisions. Government decisions bind me as a member of the Cabinet. Like my assignments to the heads of subordinate institutions. Meanwhile, S. Čaplinskas was not only not ready to execute the orders received. On the contrary, he did everything possible to hinder the implementation of government decisions.

I remember very well the annual, its management evaluation interviews, and job task planning for the coming year. As a manager, I was tasked with increasing vaccination coverage for children. This task was planned in view of the recurrent measles cases and the decrease in vaccination coverage in children. I remember very well that such a task was commented by the then coach S. Čaplinskas as a mockery of him, because it is not his responsibility.

During the spread of the coronavirus infection (COVID-19), we constantly hear your statements from “experts” on handling the pandemic. If S. Čaplinskas already underestimates the NVSC, then the institution under his leadership should have been the flagship, bringing together all the infection control processes before the pandemic. It was like this? It’s not like that. “

Veryga concludes his record by assuring him that the firing is not related to the elections. All due to violations of the manager’s work discipline, not execution of orders.

„S. Chaplinsky’s removal has nothing to do with past or future elections, and postponing such a decision to the next health minister would have been simply irresponsible. This manager not only seriously violated labor discipline and failed to carry out the assignments the commission found and formed, but he also completely lost my trust as a direct manager.

However, it should not be surprising that after 30 years of leadership at ULAC and being able to convince all authorities of its irreplaceability, S. Čaplinskas forgot that the institution he runs is not a limited liability company owned by him and his spouse and that he is not its owner. “
