Verify: published number of vaccinated employees in each establishment Business


The data is presented in the open data file Immunization of Individuals by Workplace.

“We try to respond very quickly to the needs of consumers and we hope that this information will help the country to combat the pandemic in the most effective way possible,” said Lithuania Chief of Statistics Dr. Jūratė Petrauskienė.

The data will be updated daily. The table includes more than twenty thousand Lithuanian companies, institutions and organizations.

The data is presented according to the name and code of the company or institution. Each workplace is accompanied by the code of the economic activity to which that workplace is engaged, as well as the municipality in which the workplace is registered, the rounded number of employees and the proportion of immunized employees (vaccinated or naturally). It is also possible to check which percentile the company is in.

The percentile shows the company’s position in terms of immunization in the context of other workplaces: the 100th percentile means that the company is among the one percent of the most immunized workplaces. The 50th percentile (median) means that the workplace is in the middle of all workplaces. It is relatively easy for small workplaces to “jump” down the list and become leaders. For example, a small business with ten employees may only need to vaccinate one person to raise their position from the 1st to the 30th percentile.

For statistical purposes, a person is considered immunized if they have a positive response to the diagnostic test for SARS-CoV-2 or e. You have a medical diagnosis of COVID-19 in your health, or you have been vaccinated with at least one dose of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Immunization is considered valid indefinitely for statistical purposes.

The number of employees is presented based on Sodra data. For confidentiality reasons, only workplaces with 10 or more employees are shown, the number of employees is rounded, the percentage of immunizations is given in ten percentage points; immunization is not divided into vaccination and infections. For state security reasons, data for some organizations is not displayed.

It is important to mention that only employees with a Lithuanian personal identification code are counted, because without it it is not possible to link vaccines, research and workplaces. As a result, workplaces engaged in the transport of goods by road, construction of buildings, etc. they will be especially affected. (about 15 thousand people). Also, workplaces where many workers are vaccinated (or diagnosed) in other countries may appear to have a very low immunization rate because e. The health system only records medical records received in Lithuania.
