Vatican Opposition to Gay Unions: Elton John’s Indictment: The Church Was Hypocritical and Showed Why


On Monday, the Vatican announced an answer to the question of whether members of the Catholic clergy can bless gay marriages. His statement, endorsed by Pope Francis, claimed that God “cannot bless sin,” although he claimed that the Church was still waiting for people from the LGBTQ + community.

Sir E. John responded to this on his social media. An interpreter who has been around since 2014. officially married to his partner, David Furnish, shared clippings of two articles that he believes show the Church’s hypocrisy.

“How can the Vatican refuse to bless gay marriages because ‘they are a sin’, but happily make millions by investing in Rocketman, a film that celebrates the happiness I discovered in my marriage to David?” He asked.

The music star joined his recording in the play “Hipocrisy”.

John added two clippings to his post that show two different articles. One shows the Vatican’s refusal to bless same-sex marriages, and the other the Daily Beast article, “How the Vatican has invested millions in Elton John’s biography.”

Although the Vatican did not confirm these allegations, the Church did not deny it.

The message originally appeared in the Italian publication Corriere Della Sera, an article that divided the various Vatican investments using Peter’s Pence Fund. According to the article, “more than 4 million euros were used to finance the production of films like the last part of” Men in Black “and the biography of E. John of” Rocketman “.

E. John was the executive producer of the film. Mr. Furnish also served as producer. Rocketman, directed by Dexter Fletcher, spent around $ 40 million on production and made around $ 200 million after its release in 2019.

E. John and D. Furnish have been cultivating their romantic friendship since 1993.

2005 Mr. John decided to confront his life partner and that same year the couple managed to consolidate their partnership.

Later, when same-sex marriages were legalized in 2014, the couple changed their civil partnership for marriage.

The couple is raising two children. Zachary’s first son saw the world in 2010. Christmas. He was born to a woman in California whose identity has not been disclosed. The couple’s second child, Elijah, was born in 2013. In Los Angeles, he was also born to a surrogate mother.

The Vatican has said it will not bless same-sex unions

The Vatican said Monday that the Catholic Church would not bless a same-sex union. A statement endorsed by Pope Francis could further widen the gap between the Church and the LGBT community.

The Holy See’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith under the Pope announced on Monday an official response to the question of whether Catholic clergy can bless same-sex unions.

The negative answer was given in a two-page explanatory document published in seven languages. The document was published with the message and consent of Pope Francis.

Explaining its decision in a lengthy message on Monday, the Holy See called homosexuality a “choice” and stated that it was a sin, thus homosexuality “cannot be recognized” as part of God’s plans.

This fighting stance is guaranteed to disappoint millions of gay and lesbian Catholics around the world, writes CNN.

“The blessing of the homosexual union cannot be considered legitimate,” the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, an important branch of Vatican doctrine, said in a statement. God “does not and cannot bless sin,” the statement added.

The Vatican believes that homosexuals should be treated with dignity and respect, but homosexual sex is “inherently inappropriate.” The teachings of the Catholic Church affirm that marriage, the union for life between man and woman, is part of God’s plan and its purpose is to create new life.

Since homosexual relationships do not fall within the plan mentioned above, the Church cannot bless them, as stated in the document.

“The positive elements inherent in such relationships that need to be valued and appreciated cannot justify same-sex relationships and legitimize them in terms of ecclesiastical blessing, because the positive elements exist in a union not planned by the Creator,” said the answer. .

God “does not and cannot bless” sin: He blesses the sinner to understand the parts of God’s love plan and allow God to change it, “we wrote in a statement.

In October last year, it was announced that Pope Francis had endorsed civil unions between people of the same sex, speaking with the filmmakers of the new documentary Francesco.

The Pope has voiced his support for such unions already in the middle of the band, which addresses the issues of greatest concern to Francis, including nature conservation, poverty, migration, racial and content inequality, and the most discriminated.

“Homosexuals have the right to have a family. They are children of God, Francis said in an interview with the filmmakers.” We just need to have a civil union law to legalize their relationship.

As Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Francisco supported civil unions for homosexual couples as an alternative to same-sex marriage. However, as Pope, he has never spoken out in favor of civil unions between people of the same sex.

2020 In November, the Vatican declared that Pontiff Francis’ comments on same-sex civil unions had been taken out of context by combining separate excerpts from old interviews into one documentary, but it reaffirmed the pope’s view that same-sex couples Sex should receive legal protection.

The Vatican Secretariat of State circulated an explanatory document to the ambassadors in response to the noise made by the pontiff’s comments after the premiere of the documentary Francisco on October 21 at the Rome Film Festival.

The Vatican’s nuncio to Mexico, Archbishop Franco Coppola, posted unsigned guidelines on his Facebook account on Sunday. In these guidelines, the Vatican confirmed that Francis had in mind his position, which he held in 2010 when he was still Archbishop of Buenos Aires and spoke out strongly against same-sex marriages.

However, former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio supported the extension of legal protection for people of the same sex. In Argentina, this is understood as the civil union law.

Francis held this position privately and, upon becoming pope, he never publicly declared his support. Those comments from the pontiff received so much attention mainly because in 2003 the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith published a document prohibiting such support. A document signed by Francis’ predecessor states that the Church’s support for homosexuals “can in no way lead to the acceptance of homosexual behavior or the legal recognition of same-sex unions.”

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