Vanagas has a written commitment not to leave, but is in Estonia. Names


Images from another country are shared on social networks by the runner himself. He is currently visiting the stage of the World Rally Championship in Estonia, where he races without a crew; is responsible for the safety of the slopes.

As for such a trip from Vanagas, who was recently promised not to leave, several readers also requested 15 minutes, asking if this violates the preventive detention in question.

However 15 minutes After contacting the Vilnius County Police Station, his representative assured that there was no violation, since the trip had been agreed with the investigators.

According to the LSC, the broker sent an email to investigating officers with a request to be allowed to go to Estonia for work reasons. The officials agreed because he was not going to entertain but to work.

“Thus, Benediktas Vanagas did not violate the requirements of the preventive measure, because the permit was obtained,” 15 minutes commented the LSC official.

15 minutes He recalls a recent scandal surrounding the possible rape of a well-known Lithuanian runner against his 34-year-old girlfriend, more precisely, hitting her on the head.

Currently, suspect B. Vanagas is in preventive detention, that is, a written commitment not to leave, the runner must not communicate, contact or approach the potentially injured person.

Vanagas can even face up to 1 year in prison.

The scandalous situation was initially denounced by the portal, which was contacted by a woman who may have suffered violence, saying that B. Vanagas kicked her head with her foot and continued behind her hair.

“Benedict kicked me when I did not comply with some of his wishes. I felt nauseous after the blow. The right side of the face is still melted, the ears are covered,” a woman whose name is known to the newsroom told the portal.

After the incident, the 34-year-old from Vilnius was transferred to a medical institution.

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Benediktas Vanagas

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Benediktas Vanagas

According to, B. Vanagas formed a friendship with the potentially affected woman six years ago and, according to the Vilnius neighbor, during that time she had to face constant outbursts of jealousy and anger, but there was no transition to physical violence. . “It just came to our attention then. But they beat me on Monday,” the woman said.

B.Vanagas is married to photographer Giedrė Vanagienė and is raising two children with her.

Earlier 15 minutes He tried to contact B.Vanag personally with calls, but was later unable to do so. However, he soon spoke on Facebook about the situation; He denied feeling guilty.

“I have never commented on my personal life. This attitude of mine will not change.

I categorically deny the case of violence, but let the professionals in the field investigate.

I sincerely apologize if you have been disappointed by the news of the alleged incident of violence in the media today.

Thanks for your understanding, “Vanagas wrote on Facebook.
