Valkiūnas, future millionaire Seimas, predicts the collapse of the “right”, criticizes rage


The self-proclaimed candidate V. Valkiūnas won in the western constituency of Sėla against the conservative candidate Matas Maldeikis. In the new Seimas, V. Valkiūnas will be the third richest person after Ramūnas Karbauskis and Antanas Guoga, declared 4.84 million. assets in euros. You can read more about the assets of the Seimas members here.

The businessman is the owner of the SIA Voldemars group, registered in Latvia, which is engaged in logistics, premises rental, packaging and production, and sells food products under the Valdo brand.

“It just came to our knowledge then. My company has been operating since 1992, even the names have not changed. So, as they say, it is not hiding from taxes anywhere, nothing, in Latvia,” says V. Valkiūnas.

He assures that handing over the business management will not be a problem.

“I only nominally as a consultant. I do not hold any managerial position. Since 2008, there is a board that works effectively, etc. ”Says the future parliamentarian.

V. Valkiūnas stated in the statement that he will only have cash for almost 700 thousand. euros, we ask the employer for them.

“Sometimes, lend, to a company, or how to have a reservation. This is a reservation, ”says V. Valkiūnas.

When asked why the business in Latvia increased and the taxes paid to the Lithuanian budget did not decrease, V. Valkiūnas explained that this has been the case for a long time.

“It’s not about the professionals, I don’t even know them. I’m not used to running anywhere or re-registering something. Companies, as I mentioned, neither names nor phone numbers have changed in 28 years. I don’t avoid taxes in nowhere. There were no others like that in the Netherlands or on the high seas. I have not worked abroad or paid taxes. I will not do that, “said the future parliamentarian.

The Seimas would look at finances

V. Valkiūnas currently assures that he will not participate in the coalition negotiations.

“No, I’m not going anywhere. There have been brief informal proposals here, as they say, but so far in the group of independents. And we will see how it will be formed there and how many there will be in that group of independents. Maybe the faction will form from those who do not like the ruler, ”says V. Valkiūnas.

He says that the right-wing coalition “is not so homogeneous as to last long.”

“I really don’t believe in a small percentage of opportunities. It will be more (hopefully “Delfi”) that it becomes the so-called left of the center, and it will rule longer than the so-called right, where it is now forming, “says V. Valkiūnas.

A member of the Seimas assures himself that he will set very big goals, according to his schedule.

“A mature politician must have his own program of how Christians have the Bible, or the Torah that Jews have, the Talmud, and can follow. And not so that you do not know your goals, “the politician did not detail.

When Delfi asked him, he said he would like to work on the Finance Committee.

“I have already been invited to the Economic Committee. But, I see that perhaps, of course, there will be a need, but in the Finance Committee. Because it is necessary to manage the budget in this pre-crisis situation, where there are already signs of crisis. Therefore, a very strong Finance Committee is needed, “says V. Valkiūnas.

What else should be done with the budget?

“First of all, the expense audit. Now I see how money is wasted. I would call it a waste of time,” says V. Valkiūnas.

Valkiūnas, future millionaire Seimas, predicts the collapse of the

Valdemaras Valkiūnas

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

Does not support sanctions on Belarus

Regarding the sanctions against Belarus, it seems that V. Valkiūnas is not indifferent: he evaluates that Lithuania should not interfere in the affairs of its neighbor.

“It just came to our attention then. You know, kicking a family member off the table and then saying you committed a crime here, lunch doesn’t belong to you today. I don’t think there’s a punishment for something. For some reason, he maintains relations with Belarus at the embassy level (relations – “Delfi”) and there are sanctions. Well, then it is necessary to withdraw the ambassadors, identify them as a hostile state or that they do not meet some criteria. Next, the criteria on what type of power there will be. According to a resolution of 1947, this can be any recognized regime. That is, we do not want our values ​​to be universal or ideal, or for everyone to pursue our values. It is already a dictatorship and an imposition. I am not in favor that we destroy and change the regimes of the neighboring state or other states. You have the option to choose your country, so let it choose, “said V. Valkiūnas.

He assured that there should be no interference in Belarus’ internal affairs, calling the current sanctions a policy dividend.

In Belarus on August 9. Presidential elections were held in 2006, the results of which are considered rigged, and the country continues to be led by longtime leader Aliaksandr Lukashenko. The mass protests that followed the elections in Belarus and clashes with the militia continue to this day.

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