Valdas and Alma Adamkai, Vytautas Landsbergis among the first elderly vaccinated in the Santara clinics


V. Adamkus and his wife arrived in high spirits and said that both they and his wife had never in the least doubted that it was necessary to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

“I am glad to have the opportunity to take care of the Lithuanian people. The specialists are so skilled that they do their job so well that no one should hurt anyone.”

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Valdas Adamkus and Alma Adamkiene

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Valdas Adamkus and Alma Adamkiene

Another 216 seniors from the Family Medicine Center will be vaccinated at the Santara clinics today, and vaccination will continue tomorrow.

Head of the Internal Diagnosis Department of Clinicas Santara dr. Aušra Marcijonienė invites all older people to be positive and not to participate in unnecessary discussions: vaccination is necessary.

“So if you get a call,” explains the doctor, “we invite you to come for the vaccine.” You will be given the date, time and place to arrive. Specified times must be strictly adhered to to avoid unnecessary meetings. Each visitor must complete a questionnaire: some questions about the state of health: if they do not have a viral illness, do not have a temperature or have not had allergic reactions before.

VIDEO: Valdas and Alma Adamkai were among the first older adults to be vaccinated at the Santara clinics: the specialists are so skilled that no one should get hurt

The injection is painless, it must remain in the body for 15 minutes after the injection so that doctors can make sure that the vaccinated person has not had unexpected reactions, such as allergic reactions. After the second vaccination, local reactions to the vaccine are a little more common: swelling, pain, but the temperature can also increase, so we recommend having paracetamol at home to have the medicine on hand and not have to seek help for the night. . If the patient has very disturbing symptoms, he should see his GP. “
