Valdas and Alma Adamkai celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary, but after sending out invitations, the celebration at Stikliu had to be canceled.


As soon as they met, the president welcomed the improved health of both himself and Mrs. Alma. He did not hide the fact that his wife was in such a difficult condition in front of the sanitarium that she could barely walk.

However, after two weeks of procedures, A. Adamkienė got stronger, with the help of a little walking. And V. Adamkus hopes that the spouse’s health will continue to improve.

– You’re getting stronger with Mrs. Alma. How is your health after defeating an oncological disease?

– I have no major health problems. Perhaps not only the back pain, but it also disappeared after all the procedures.

“What day is it for you and Mrs. Alma?” Probably quieter than at home in Turniškės?

– Oh, an action packed day! Our day begins at 9 pm Morning procedures ending at 3 pm We walk from cabinet to cabinet. We only have a few short breaks. We are very happy with the help and the excellent attention they gave us. We are very grateful to the sanitarium staff for all their efforts. And Birštonas itself is a city of beautiful nature.

– Do you find time and is Mrs. Alma healthy enough to go for a walk?

– We are still not successful in the field, we do not go out. But we walk so much during the day from one procedure to the next that maybe a few miles are built up. But we have a large balcony, so here we enjoy the good weather. We are happy with what we have.

– Perhaps I am not wrong when I say that the greatest gift that has been made on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the wedding of September 1 is the best health of the two?

– That gift of being together is destined for us. 70 years together … I don’t think many people can enjoy such a gift. Our happy and rich life of events, deeds and achievements is an indescribable happiness for us.

– You wanted to organize a beautiful 70th anniversary celebration for Mrs. Alma, you ordered a party at the Stikliai restaurant. His assistant Božena Bagonaitienė sent invitations to the guests. But I understand that the holidays had to be postponed.

– Yes, I had to cancel. Božena did a great job. More than 50 guests sent invitations to everyone, but everyone had to call and cancel.

In the hope that there will soon be another occasion when we can also commemorate that anniversary.

“Do you remember the first date with Mrs. Alma?”

– I remember every detail down to the smallest detail. Like it was yesterday … Our first date took place on the … stairs.

This has already happened in the diaspora, in Germany. The Lithuanians distracted us from the three occupied western zones. Our next intelligentsia, the teachers, understood perfectly well that the children could not sit idly by in the camps, and they tried to restore the Lithuanian gymnasiums.

One of the first was established in Bavaria, near Munich, in Eichstadt. My friends and I went to the Kaunas gym “Aušra” there.

Maybe the first week I saw: a girl coming down the stairs, a redhead, with a locker, a blueberry. I don’t know what, but something touched my heart immediately …

From this first date, when we didn’t even know each other, her heart belonged to him …

Together we graduated from the gym. After that, we dispersed through the German universities. The separation lasted 3-4 years, when we didn’t even see it, we just reciprocated. Just before we all left for America, I came to Augsburg, where she lived with her parents, and I accompanied her to America.

Soon I also arrived in Chicago. I learned that Alma had settled 160 miles from Chicago. I went to her immediately and our friendship was renewed. And here, after 5 years of friendship, 1951 arrived. September 1. My happy day …

And today, celebrating the 70th anniversary of my marriage, I can say that it was the most beautiful gift of life that the Supreme gave me.

– Do you remember the day you asked for the hand of Mrs. Alma Nutautaitė?

– I probably bragged about maybe the late 1950s or early 1951s. The wedding was nine months away.

Read the full exclusive interview of Valdas Adamkus “Stilius” in Tuesday’s “Lietuvos rytas” magazine “Stilius”.
