Vaccination of the elderly has been stopped, it is believed that no one will want AstraZeneca at all


The course and pace of vaccination against COVID-19 was discussed by L. Galkus at a remote meeting of the Seimas Defense and National Security Committee on Wednesday.

First, he noted that vaccination is slow in the elderly, for whom the coronavirus is the most dangerous.

“The elderly population, the group that the Ministry of Health and the experts focused the most on, was the most vaccinated <...> mid April. Now that activity has dropped a lot, “he said.

“We do little vaccination for the elderly. This group is already practically exhausted. If we look at the percentage, of all the people who are vaccinated, we only vaccinate up to 10% of the vaccine every day. those who are older. All other vaccines are for younger people, “said a SAM specialist.

As the older ones are not vaccinated, according to him, it was decided to switch to the younger ones:

“Now we have started vaccination in stages in Lithuania, we are going down by age groups, because for some time we have seen that vaccination of the population aged 65 years and over has practically stopped.”

Older people in the age group are the least vaccinated in people 80 years and older.

“We have a very bad time with people aged 80 and over. Here, about half of the population is vaccinated. And between 65 and 80, the situation is better here, in general, immunization is close to 70 cent, ”L. Galkus said.

He regretted that the elderly could not be invited to get vaccinated:

It is most unfortunate that the population is 85 years or older, because here, although we vaccinated before, since mid-February, the proportion of people vaccinated is still relatively small compared to other European countries and how well they are vaccinating this group. “

According to SAM, in the group of people aged 80 and over there are 40.57% fully vaccinated, 11.59% partially vaccinated, 3.64%. – COVID-19 has passed.

44.2% do not know the immunity of these people or do not have it.

“We are very skeptical here, although the municipalities provide transportation services and have proactively called more than once and not twice, and the elderly and social workers have been called in to help. Still, it was not possible to achieve a higher vaccination of that group, “said L. Galkus.

In other groups, the level of immunization, he said, is quite good. Especially those who have been vaccinated for the first time with COVID-19.

“The first groups that we started to vaccinate show good results. The immunization of physicians and the healthcare system in Lithuania as a whole exceeds 85%, education – about 80%, social care – also about 80%, ”said L. Galkus.

He also presented how COVID-19 vaccines from different manufacturers are used in Lithuania.

The Comirnaty vaccine, developed by BionTech and Pfizer, is being used effectively, according to SAM.

“Each week, a new shipment is used effectively until the beginning of next week, when a new shipment is received,” said L. Galkus, adding that the most vaccines are received from this manufacturer, and in June , shipments of these vaccines will increase significantly.

“Because our entire strategy is basically based on the Pfizer vaccine, it means that we can actually vaccinate more people. Considering that the population chooses the Pfizer vaccine more, we believe that there will be no risks and the vaccines that we will receive will be well vaccinated,” he predicted. L. Galkus.

Speaking about using the Moderna vaccine, he noted that there was a gap between how many doses were delivered to vaccination centers and how many were vaccinated.

But only because the municipality dedicates part of the doses to the booster vaccination.

“Modern consumption is also good, just <...> vaccine delivery itself was not regular. As a result, the municipalities dedicate part of the vaccine to the second vaccine to ensure the dose of the second vaccine for the population ”, explained L. Galkus.

AstraZeneca residents do not want to choose the vaccine, noted one SAM specialist over vaccines.

“We still have challenges with the AstraZeneca vaccine, especially now that we are rapidly descending by age group.

Residents really don’t want to choose the AstraZeneca vaccine. We believe that in two weeks, when the population can choose a vaccine from any manufacturer, we will really face the challenge of having this vaccine in full demand, “he said.

“Now many vaccines go to the second dose of the vaccine, but we see that the difference between what we receive and what is consumed is still large – around 50 thousand. unused doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine, ”added Galkus.

According to him, the vaccine was vaccinated by the manufacturer of Johnson & Johnson, although only about 12,000 people have not used it quantitatively. vaccine dose.

“It just came to our knowledge then [šių vakcinų] distributed at the beginning of the week, which is why such a gap.

Initially we vaccinate patients who are in hospitals because it is convenient to vaccinate them once upon discharge and discharge, but we see that it is difficult to do that flow in hospitals. Patients don’t change that fast, many hospitalized COVID-19 patients are busy, nothing can be vaccinated there, “which is why Johnson & Johnson’s vaccines, called L. Galkus, are difficult to use.

Now, according to him, it will try to change its distribution strategy: the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will be available to all residents of municipalities, especially those who live in remote areas.

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