V. Zemlys-Balevičius advised the government on quarantine: the criterion of reasonableness and solidarity was met


“Today it was an honor to attend the first meeting of the new government,” he began, explaining that Sunday’s meeting was extraordinary because the situation was extraordinary. According to him, the epidemiological situation in Lithuania is very complicated, since in recent weeks records have been broken in both the number of cases and deaths.

“The situation is equally bad throughout Lithuania. Compared to other countries, Lithuania is among the countries with the worst epidemiological situation. The epidemic spreads through human contact, so the decisions that were made were designed to minimize them. .

All activities related to human contact are prohibited, leaving only the bare minimum.

The basic principle of the new quarantine is that all activities related to human contact are prohibited, leaving only the minimum. The technical details of how to accomplish this begin. Since there are many human activities, the coordination of details and took most of the time. The criteria of reasonableness and solidarity have been met, activities whose prohibition would paralyze the life of the State are allowed, but the rest of activities are allowed only if it can be ensured that they are carried out without contact.

This is how grocery stores, pharmacies, veterinary, optical and orthopedic stores will work. There will be all health institutions, including dental and psychological care. Also notaries and bailiffs.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Vaidotas Zemlys-Balevičius

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Vaidotas Zemlys-Balevičius

All other activities are permitted as long as no contact can be guaranteed. Movement and communication between different households will be restricted to ensure that contacts are reduced. This means that you cannot meet people who do not live with you all the time. This sadly means that Christmas and New Years will have to be greeted by one.

During the festive period, there will be additional restrictions and movement between municipalities. It will be possible to leave the house only on the way to work, shopping, health institution, going for a walk, breathing fresh air. Depending on what activities are allowed, there are many different reasons to leave the house and there are. All restrictions will apply until January 31st.

So far, even modeling such a situation is still quite difficult.

It must be understood that restrictions are needed to control the epidemic and, unfortunately, the only way to stop it is to reduce contacts. Based on the experience of other countries, unfortunately, the restrictions start to work in a week or two after the restrictions, and until the cases fall to the level where we can talk about controlling the epidemic, a few more weeks pass. Therefore, multiple route quarantines were chosen over a longer period of time. If the epidemic situation allows restrictions to be lifted sooner, it will be. So far, even modeling such a situation is still quite difficult. Some preliminary calculations can be made, but more reliable predictions will be possible when we see the first signs of the constraints working. Therefore, it is very important to understand that the duration of a quarantine depends on how long each of us fulfills it.

Society alone will not control the epidemic. She must be helped by the government. Economic and social assistance is provided. It is still not entirely clear what form it will take, as there was simply no time to discuss it during this session.

However, it should be understood that there are almost no areas of the state that are not affected by the restrictions imposed. Putting all the details together is a lot of work that still needs to be done. You need to agree on essential principles before doing so. That is what has been done today. The meeting left a good impression on me. Decision makers received high-quality data analysis and expert advice based on scientific arguments. The fact that the arguments at the first government meeting were based on articles in The Lancet and Nature is optimistic. <…>

The government is expecting a large amount of work to gather all the remaining accents and details.

As the saying goes, a good start is half the battle. There is still much of him. The government is expecting a large amount of work to put together all the remaining accents and details, and communicate everything. What I saw today makes me optimistic.

All I have written here are my personal observations and opinions. Inevitably I missed something and wrote something wrong. All errors are mine. Official information should be sought from official sources, not from Facebook posts. The main source of information will probably remain koronastop.lt, only it will be rearranged so that all the necessary information can be easily found, and the most important points you need to know will be clearly listed, ”wrote V. Zemlys-Balevičius.
