V. Uspaskich’s water from COVID-19 received well-known human reactions: “Maybe at least one hangover will cure” | Names


Like now 15 minutes wrote, V. Uspaskich spoke about the supposedly miraculous water, which supposedly helps protect against the coronavirus and even treats those already infected, on Sunday night via a live broadcast on Facebook.

During the broadcast, which lasted more than an hour, V. Uspaskich paid close attention to the political situation, criticizing the rulers so far who failed to strengthen the country’s economy by working under favorable conditions. Then he turned to considerations about the coronavirus, the current situation regarding COVID-19, the vaccines that had started.

“Vaccines are not the solution, we will talk better,” he promised, and soon revealed that the proposed miracle solution is “structured mineral water.”

Facebook Photo / Viktor Uspaskich MEP changes profession: decides to treat people

Facebook Photo / Viktor Uspaskich MEP changes profession: decides to treat people

The wellness package offered by the politician is 24 bottles of water for 36 euros (supposedly “three times cheaper than taking a test in a private clinic”). According to V. Uspaskich, to strengthen immunity, the bottle should be taken every other day for the first 10 days, then every day after the bottle. “Nobody contracted the coronavirus as much as they drank water,” said the politician. He advised those who were already sick to buy the offered water as soon as possible and drink it daily: “You will not go to any hospital, it will be much easier to pass.”

Immunity should develop within a month, such as after the vaccine, the second dose of which should be given three to four weeks later. However, according to V. Uspaskich, the antibodies will not last more than three months after vaccination. The proposed water is said to create cellular immunity. According to him, after half a year the course should be repeated and immunity renewed.

He then said that “antibiotics will not be needed, it will be much easier to pass,” the MEP explained, but did not provide any scientific evidence, research results or medical comments to support his words. By the way, antibiotics kill bacteria or inhibit their growth and reproduction, and COVID-19 is caused by a virus, so antibiotics should not be used to treat it.

“Not a year, but a dream”

V. Uspaskich’s proposal has already been commented on not only by politicians who warned about the publication of dubious information during a very difficult period, but also by other well-known Lithuanians. Here’s a comedian from the Humor Club Paulius Ambrazevičius shared the following information:

“If you buy water from Uspaskich to treat devouredThis will mean that it is worth buying a water treatment in devoured.

Personal Album Photo / Paulius Ambrazevičius

Personal Album Photo / Paulius Ambrazevičius

The journalist and writer also shared a witty comment. Jurga Baltrukonytė.

“I sell water charged by Canary Solar Energy. Help from everything. At night I sometimes have nightmares. But I can’t believe such a nightmare happens in the morning, after reading our post as a Member of the European Parliament.

I hope it is a dream. Or that under the word Water there is something more hidden (in our youth, hiding from our parents and teachers, we called it wine water). Sin, I know, but what is HERE then?

Message from the European Parliament Viktor U. to the people: “A list of cities and representatives through which water can be requested, which will help create immunity against COVID-19.

Personal Album Photo Album / Jurga Baltrukonytė

Personal Album Photo Album / Jurga Baltrukonytė

Also, this water will help heal those who are already sick. These are the general contacts of the sales department for orders: 86981XXX, [email protected] ”(I put it myself so that the ordering system is not accidentally broken).

And how many people believe that. Even the members of the Seimas pour it out and announce it! For 35 euros! Is it really legal here to do charity business in such positions? And speculating on such a sensitive subject?

I dream. In a dream, I sell Canarian water charged with solar energy in the shade of palm trees. More expensive water has been heated on the beach for a few days, with black sand dust with miraculous magnetic powers, ”the woman wrote.

As usual, PravalTuro’s face made a lot of people laugh Vytautas Mikaitis experiences.

“If not COVID-19, I hope so armpit to be cured “, – he wrote on instagram and added a photo showing that V.Uspaskich’s water bottles were.

The interpreter also expressed his opinion about the mysterious water. Stanislav Stavickis-Stano. „Руки вверх … I give up. Viktor Uspaskich sells Covid 19 water treatment.

Okay. Well actually, not a year, but some kind of dream. You read the message and guglini. Because you are sure that only internet trolls can get caught up in such nonsense.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Stanislav Stavickis-Stano

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Stanislav Stavickis-Stano

Unfortunately. After a while, it becomes clear that this is what the MEP is talking about. The saddest thing becomes when you hear what he says. Victor BELIEVES what he says. He is not trying to make a profit, he BELIEVES that water can help deal with COVID-19.

Kiguoli, Zizai, Juraiti, scroll. Your time is up, Victor is coming. Oh the times, oh the morals of… “wrote Stano.

Uspaskich’s report that coronavirus water is being treated will shock the illusionist Justinas Malinauskas. Although a man does not usually get involved in such matters, this time, as he admits, he did not manage to control himself.

“For the last 7 years, I have only shared my work and projects on Facebook. I barely delved into political and other issues. Bet. Patience has somehow run out lately. On the occasion of the holidays, I want to wish everyone not peace and health, but critical thinking and disbelief. Much disbelief in the moose, which is now tieeeek.

I couldn’t take it anymore when I saw Uspaskich offer to buy water that helps protect against COVID-19. Water! H2O. Purchase offers (for money). I found a way to really eliminate the pandemic with the help of water. Uspaskich is said to be with his team. The water, which runs through the tunnel and is structured according to a code sent by the Chinese (it is said that he has friends there because he has communicated for a long time).

The Chinese sent the code. It’s that easy. Sometimes we wonder how dictators could persuade people to follow and obey them. We certainly would not give in to such influence. No one would fool us … and here it is: according to a code sent by the Chinese, the water runs through the tunnel and is structured to help protect against COVID-19, for some money from the new Kaspirovsk Viktor, apply.

By the way, I called – 24 bottles, 36 euros, drink small sips, etc. When asked where to get more information, the answer was: the best of the Uspaskich show where it counts. Here you don’t need black accounting either. And my crucial question: what about responsibility?

The older one will invade that water, will believe in magical powers, will not be safe, will become infected and will come. Who to blame? Victor? Is it the same old one, because somehow the water didn’t work, because maybe the older one drank it badly, kept it badly, swallowed it badly? I am a magician, I know how to convince that miracles happen. But there are no miracles. At least not for the money.

Whatever we call miracles, I did all of mine with no money. No magicians link! Let’s defeat the magicians ”, the illusionist asked for a fight against a product of questionable quality.

The actor also paid close attention to the new activities of V. Uspaskich. Vyacheslav Mickiewicz.

“Not much water has leaked since the elections and the Labor Party is already selling it. Well, I can’t, folklore ”, he joked on one of his albums.

The funny comments were topped off by a short comment on the most popular Lithuanian blog, the State Nation Front.

“WE ARE ALSO THROUGH WATER IF IT IS A FIRE,” wrote the site administrators.
