V. Uspaskich promises to answer questions about his health on Friday


“The press conference is designed to give the president an answer to all his questions … And about the election, and maybe about the health of others,” Viktor Fyodorov, the party’s headquarters, told BNS on Wednesday. .

Fyodorov did not respond to the question of whether the coronavirus was approved for the party chairman and said that V. Uspaskich would answer this question himself on Friday.

“I can’t answer, I didn’t listen and I can’t comment,” Fyodorov said.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Viktor Uspaskich

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Viktor Uspaskich

V. Fyodorov said he had contacted the Labor Party chairman by phone on Wednesday, when he coordinated the details of the press conference.

“No, I didn’t ask where the president is now, but probably at home,” said a party spokesman.

“I didn’t notice him coughing, you’ll see for yourself on Friday,” he added.

BNS was unable to reach V. Uspaskich on Wednesday and representatives of news portals were unable to reach him for several days.

I didn’t ask where the president is now, but probably at home.

The chairman of the Labor Party did not wait for the results of the first Seimas elections together with his colleagues at the headquarters due to cold symptoms.

V.Uspaskich also did not attend the post-election press conference organized by BNS.

He had previously said that he intended to test for COVID-19, but later changed his mind.

According to V. Fyodorov, the leader of the Labor Party decided to isolate himself.
