V. Sutkus’ path to the Olympics was based on various forms of business pressure


The corruption and illegal influence of Valdas Sutkus, suspected of influencing, did not go without scandals, litigation for honor and dignity, and pressure.

Both the head of Telecentras and the then head of the Employment Service clarified their relations with him in court, and Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis acknowledged this week that V. Minus was under pressure from various ministries and institutions.

“Anyone who has had a conflict or something similar with him has said the same thing, said: ‘If I need to ruin your career or your life, I can do it very easily,'” said Skirmantas Malinauskas, a former adviser to the Prime Minister. “Now life has taken a different angle.”

Photo by Valdas Kopūstas / 15min / Valdas Sutkus, President of the Lithuanian Business Confederation

Photo by Valdas Kopūstas / 15min / Valdas Sutkus, President of the Lithuanian Business Confederation

However, V. Sutkus was invited to most business-related working groups, and last year the Government Chancellor, Algirdas Stončaitis, dutifully followed the Prime Minister’s instructions to deal with the affairs of the head of the Confederation. Business of Lithuania. V. Sutkus, who is vaguely valued in the business world, earned the name of one of the most influential lobbyists in Lithuania with his management and lobbying methods.

Warnings heard in the Seimas

I will stretch through the press. Darius Kuliešius, the then advisor to the Minister of Transport and Communications, Rokas Masiulis, heard that phrase in the Seimas corridor, next to the Economic Committee, after a discussion about road paving.

15min photo / Darius Kuliešius

15min photo / Darius Kuliešius

V. Sutkus, who defended the interests of the road users, was not angry with the jokes: the R. Masiulis ministry does not organize new tenders, but shows the media the poor quality of the paved roads. At the V. Sutkus Confederation – “Lithuanian Roads” that unites road users.

This event would have remained among the witnesses in the corridors of the Seimas, had it not been for the Minister’s public outrage on Facebook.

“After the Seimas Economic Committee session on Wednesday, an influential representative of the LVK transmitted threats to a vindication officer of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, an adviser to the Minister, through a member of the Minister’s team. It is said that If the advisor does not stop doing what he is doing, the LVK representative will personally “push him through the press,” wrote R. Masiulis on Facebook on August 24, 2018. On that day, LVK was represented on the committee by V. Sutkus, who denied having threatened anyone.

He demanded 50 thousand euros in compensation

Even several high-ranking state officials had to meet with V. Sutkus in court when he petitioned the court for an insult to honor and dignity. V. Sutkus was offended by the words spoken by officials about the pressure. V. Sutkus appealed to the court regarding the words of the then head of the Employment Service Ligita Valalytė and the head of Telecentras Remigijus Šeris.

Photo by Josvydas Elinskas / 15min / Remigijus Šeris

Photo by Josvydas Elinskas / 15min / Remigijus Šeris

L.Valalytė complained on Facebook that he felt pressure from LVK leader V. Sutkus. Delfi wrote that the director of the Lithuanian Labor Exchange admitted that he constantly faced threats and demands from representatives of the Lithuanian Business Confederation, one of which was to find a million euros for his projects if he did not want to lose his job.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Ligita Valalytė

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Ligita Valalytė

“LVK demanded that I deny my public words about unfair claims and reimburse 50 thousand. EUR LVK would personally compensate for the non-pecuniary damage and the same amount with the Employment Service. I refused to make such a denial, because it would mean lying to myself and to others” L. Valalytė said.

The yearlong trial ultimately ended in a peace treaty, and L. Valalytė was forced not only to delete her Facebook post, but also to delete some of the quotes previously reported to the media.

The former head of the Telecentre, R. Šeris, also had to mention the thresholds of the courts. The 15 minutes he said after listening to some tracks. V.Šeris admitted that he was under pressure to vote for V. Sutkai in the LVK presidential election. At that time, R. Šeris represented Teo.

“He called me and said unequivocally why vote in the elections. He said that if I don’t vote, everything will happen,” said the head of the state company. V. Sutkus declared that he did not recall such a story, and associated the words of R. Šeris with the desire to keep the provider of Mezon in the hands of the state. The LVK chief was outraged that the state company was competing with the business in the market.

V. Sutkus still won the election for the post of President of the Confederacy, and R.Šeris was forced to defend himself in court for his words.

Incidentally, the government recently announced plans to sell Mezon.

Some members of the Lithuanian Business Confederation have already mentioned that they are considering leaving the organization due to the way its leader is managed, but made no decision. “As V. Sutkus would appreciate, he represented companies and their interests in government corridors and committees, perhaps this helped the Confederacy to become one of the most influential organizations in Lithuania. However, not everyone liked it your leadership style ” 15 minutes said an entrepreneur whose company is owned by LVK.

Photo by Svajūnas Stroinas / 15min / Annual Awards of the Lithuanian Business Confederation

Photo by Svajūnas Stroinas / 15min / Annual Awards of the Lithuanian Business Confederation

There is a mysterious stage in the Achema group.

V. Sutkus’ tenure on the Achema Group board is intertwined with famous stories about how he managed to approach one of the major shareholders, Lyda Lubienė. V. Sutkus had earned the widow’s full trust to resolve the affairs of the Achema group.

Today, representatives of the Achema group barely comment on what happened between L. Lubienė and V. Sutkus, but as he suddenly became a member of the board, he was suddenly fired.

V. Sutkus became a board member of one of the largest groups in June 2014, when the group was rocked by shareholder struggles, and it was sometimes difficult to understand who actually leads the group, and V Sutkus suddenly replaced Harris Kerminen on the board.

Exactly a year later, V. Sutkus was asked silently from the meeting. Achieving ambitious goals requires a strong leadership and management team, ”said L. Lubienė, a shareholder, but did not explain why V. Sutkus, whom he trusted, was replaced.

Today, Gintaras Balčiūnas, Chairman of the Board of the Achema Group, does not want to go into details, but does not hide his opinion on V. Sutkus. “My opinion of this person is not good and our relationship with him is not the best, to put it mildly.” 15 minutes G.Balčiūnas said.
