V.Šapoka presented to whom 6.3 billion will be spent. EUR: “It can be called concrete, but it cannot be called primitive” Business


As V. Šapoka said after the government meeting, in approving the plan, the Cabinet of Ministers made a really important decision.

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After the initial proposal for the so-called DNA Plan for the Future Economy was submitted, more than 100 proposals were received for more than $ 1 billion, according to the Minister of Finance. euros

He stated that the most important and effective solutions for Lithuania for 400 million were selected. euros

A total of LTL 2.2 billion is planned for investment. euros

“I will remind you that the main directions remain the same: investments in human beings, in the digitization of the economy, as well as investments in economic infrastructure, innovations and research and, of course, in climate change and energy,” said V.Šapoka. .

I will remind you that the main directions remain the same: investment in human beings, in the digitization of the economy, as well as investment in economic infrastructure, in innovation and research, and, of course, in climate change and energy.

For example, among the new projects in the part of investment in human capital, according to the Minister, – the development of regional planning skills, financial and digital literacy, the development of creative partnerships in education.

In the field of innovation and research: implementation of innovations in the management of ambulance flows, opening of health data for the development of innovative products and services, creation of a group of infectious diseases.

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15min / Vilnius

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15min / Vilnius

“It is not less important not only the vision, but not only the ideas and tools themselves, but also the implementation. It is a truly revised governance model, which strengthens not only monitoring but also decision-making itself and strategic project management. The Ministry of Finance will make public and provide data to the Government every month on progress in the implementation of the five planned objectives, ”said V. Šapoka.

It has received criticism

According to V.Šapoka, the investment sector in the human capital sector should have LTL 757 million. euros

“This is a really large amount and innovative projects,” said the minister.

According to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Loreta Maskaliovienė, human capital is not only education, but also lifelong learning and training.

Photo of Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15min / Loreta Maskaliovienė

Photo of Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15min / Loreta Maskaliovienė

“In addition to human capital, there is an investment component: innovation and research. Some of them are also in the educational infrastructure,” he said.

This package has been criticized because only a small percentage is invested in human capital.

“You can always say too small or too big, it depends on the angle of focus. I suggest not contradicting these five objectives, because in order to take advantage of the current situation, to adapt and get out of this stronger crisis, we have to work in five directions ”, thinks V. Šapoka.

You can always say too small or too big, here it depends on the viewing angle. I suggest that these five goals are not mutually exclusive.

According to him, the same investment in infrastructure can be understood very differently.

“It is possible to call all the latest labs and concrete groups, and we cannot be relieved and really glad that it is necessary to invest in that concrete if we want science to be in Lithuania,” said the finance minister at a press conference. after the government meeting.

Implementation – in a year and a half

According to V.Šapoka, on Wednesday the government not only adopted the plan, but also established immediate objectives for its implementation.

Photo of Gedmantas Kropio / Company warehouse

Photo of Gedmantas Kropio / Company warehouse

By June 12, the Ministry of Finance must present the plan to other ministries, must provide a description of the implementation of the plan, detailing how to invest effectively.

“And all those measures must be started and implemented over the next year and a half,” said the finance minister.

And all those measures should be started and implemented in the next year and a half.

According to V.Šapoka, it is also planned to have 200 million. Reserve in euros. It is possible to mature ideas, make suggestions and contribute to the implementation of the five objectives.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has released a forecast that Lithuania’s gross domestic product may fall 10 percent this year.

Admittedly, the organization praised the government for the financial aid package.

Aurelija Jašinskienė / 15min.lt photo / There were no guests in Palanga at the weekend: people traveled more bravely, visited cafes and had fun.

Aurelija Jašinskienė / 15min.lt photo / There were no guests in Palanga at the weekend: people traveled more bravely, visited cafes and had fun.

V.Šapoka explained that the forecasts are also provided by other organizations and institutions.

However, in the presence of such a high degree of uncertainty, according to the Minister, this is more a scenario than a methodologically based forecast.

He assured that the Ministry of Finance will update its forecasts from June.

“As the OECD has made those predictions before evaluating this plan, I think the situation could be better. But overall, the uncertainty is huge and all the forecasts need to be reviewed very quickly. Until now, no one can say exactly how to handle the pandemic both in Lithuania and in the world, “said V.Šapoka.

The uncertainty is enormous and all forecasts must be reviewed very quickly.
